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Cat Sensor
The Cat Sensor is a weight-sensitive switch that detects when
a cat enters and exits the Globe.
Your cat must weigh at least 5 pounds to trip the Cat
Sensor. Do not use the Litter-Robot in the unattended
Automatic Mode with kittens that weigh less than 5
pounds. See
FAQ: Can kittens use the Litter-Robot?
on page
For the Cat Sensor to accurately detect your cat, the Litter-
Robot must be placed on firm, level flooring. Avoid soft,
uneven, or unstable surfaces.
The Litter-Robot relies on the Cat Sensor to know when your
cat is inside the Globe and when it’s time to run a Clean
cycle. Here’s how it works:
Each time the unit is powered on and at the end of each
cycle, the Cat Sensor measures the weight of the unit to
use as a baseline.
When your cat enters the Globe, the Cat Sensor detects
increased weight, and prevents the Globe from rotating.
When your cat exits, the Cat Sensor detects a decrease
in weight and allows the countdown to a Clean cycle to
If the Cat Sensor is tripped during that countdown, a new
countdown will begin once your cat leaves the Globe,
ensuring it does not rotate with a cat inside.
Eventually (3, 7, or 15 minutes later—depending on the
setting), a Clean cycle will start, and upon finishing, the
Cat Sensor will take another measurement of the weight
to use as its new baseline.
Note: Weight applied on the step and/or step mat will not
trip the Cat Sensor and stop the Globe’s rotation.
This is
intentional as we do not want to invite a cat to enter by
stopping the Globe’s rotation. If, however, the cat steps
inside, the Globe will stop.
To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the Cat
Sensor, power the unit off before making any changes that