User Guide

Table Of Contents
Index Enter the entry number for the Alarm List.
Sample Port Select the port from which the alarm samples were taken.
Sample Variable Select the variable of samples for the specified alarm sample.
Sample Interval Enter the alarm interval time.
Sample Type Select the sampling method for the selected variable and comparing
the value against the thresholds.
Absolute: Compares the values with the thresholds at the end of the
sampling interval.
Delta: Subtracts the last sampled value from the current value.
Rising Threshold Enter the rising number that triggers the rising threshold alarm.
Falling Threshold Enter the falling number that triggers the falling threshold alarm.
Rising Event Enter the event number by the falling alarm are reported.
Falling Event Enter the event number by the falling alarms are reported.
Owner Enter the Switch that defined the alarm.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes or the Cancel button to discard them.
History List
Index Enter the entry number for the History List.
Sample Port Select the port from which the history samples were taken.
Bucket Requested Enter the number of samples to be saved. The range is from 1 to 50.
Interval Enter the time that samples are taken from the ports. The field range
is from 1 to 3600.
Owner Enter the RMON user that requested the RMON information. The
range is from 0 to 32 characters.