User Manual

Comet Trails – the result of too much Mountain Dew.
After several days spent crafting the code that makes up our digital secret sauce, we found ourselves one afternoon surrounded
by 10 empty cans of Dew, and sounds from another world. We rushed from the office, shouting to anyone who would listen,
“Dude! Check this out!” Now that same caffeine and sugar-fueled rush is available to you at the stomp of a Filter Modeler foot
switch. Somewhere inside your Filter Modeler are seven filters, all chasing each other around and looping back and forth across
the great expanse of sonic space. We call it Comet Trails…FREQ controls the range of the filters. Q controls the width of the
filters. SPEED sets the rate of the filter movement. MODE controls the Gain of the whole shebang.
Spin Cycle – inspired by Craig Anderton’s Wah/Anti-Wah.
This effect takes particular advantage of the Filter Modeler’s stereo capabilities. Imagine two wah pedals panned left and right
that work in the opposite direction from each other. One goes up while the other goes down. Now add the fact that these wah
pedals are sweeping from minimum to maximum automatically. This is what headphone mixes are made for! When operating
in mono, the wah and anti-wah will be united on the single output. On this model, the MODE knob is used to adjust a “peak
follower”, which can be used to make the speed of this effect sensitive to your playing volume. FREQ controls the range of the
filter emphasis in the wah tone. Q controls the width of the filter. SPEED sets the speed at which the wah effects sweep. MODE
controls the amount of Volume Sensitivity for the speed of the effect.
Throbber – inspired by the Electrix
Filter Factory.
Like the LFO section of the versatile Filter Factory, the Throbber alters the brightness of your tone with an emphasis on a spe-
cific frequency that you can select with the freaky FREQ control. Q sets the amount of emphasis from purring to howling. This
effect is perfect for those hipster Electronica sounds, and we’ve also noticed U2’s The Edge making appearances with a Filter
Factory in his rack. FREQ targets a specific frequency range for the filter. Q controls the width of the filter. SPEED sets the rate
of the LFO. MODE selects between four different wave shapes (Ramp Up, Ramp Down, Triangle or Square).
V-Tron – Voice Box meets Mu-Tron III.
In this model’s sonic playland, your guitar again “speaks” with an almost human voice, but now it does so in response to your
playing. Each time you strike a new note or chord, the vowel sequence will be “spoken.” You can choose whether the speaking
will go from the start vowel to the stop vowel and call it a day (UP Mode), or turn around and come right back again (UP &
RETURN). FREQ controls the sound of the starting vowel (a, e, i, o, u). Q controls the sound of the stop vowel (a, e, i, o, u).
SPEED sets how long it takes to “speak” from one vowel to the other. MODE chooses between the two modes: UP, or UP &
* All product names used in this manual are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Line 6. These trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers
whose tones and sounds were studied during Line 6’s sound model development. Mu-Tron® is a registered trademark of Mark Simonsen. Electrix® is a registered trademark of Electrix Pro, Inc.