User Manual

With great power comes great responsibility—therefore, we did the responsible thing
and provided robust MIDI external control for you to take command of your DL4 MkII’s
presets, parameters, looping, tempo, and more.
Connect the MIDI output of your external MIDI controller device to the DL4 MkII
MIDI IN, and DL4 MkII will respond to MIDI Program Change (PC), Note On,
MIDI CC, and MIDI Clock messages, as covered within this chapter.
When connected to your computer, DL4 MkII also receives and transmits
the same MIDI messages via USB (with the exception of MIDI Clock
messages, which can only be received for sync and routed to MIDI THRU).
Connect DL4 MkII’s MIDI OUT/THRU to your other MIDI gear (or connect USB
to your computer) to optionally pass any incoming MIDI messages “THRU” to
another device or computer app.
DL4 MkII does not transmit MIDI messages for any of its own actions, but
will pass incoming MIDI out via its MIDI OUT/THRU and USB MIDI ports.
NOTE: To disable MIDI THRU, configure the Global Settings - "MIDI THRU" on page 47
option to Off (it is On as the factory default setting).
All MIDI control is global, meaning, all commands listed in this chapter will control
their respective DL4 MkII functions regardless of the currently loaded preset.
NOTE: DL4 MkII uses MIDI channel 1 as the factory default, but this can be changed via
the Global Settings - "MIDI Channel" on page 47.
Using MIDI Clock for Tempo Sync
DL4 MkII can receive MIDI Clock via its MIDI IN, as well as via USB MIDI, to allow you to
sync the tempo from other effects devices and computer applications. Use the Global
Settings - "Receive MIDI Clock" option to set the desired MIDI clock option:
Off - DL4 MkII ignores MIDI Clock messages received.* The tempo can be set
manually by tapping on the TAP footswitch.
*NOTE: Whenever MIDI Clock is sent to DL4 MkII, even if the Receive MIDI Clock option
is set to Off, the MIDI Clock data is routed “THRU,” out DL4 MkII’s MIDI OUT/THRU and
USB MIDI ports, allowing other connected devices to follow the MIDI Clock for tempo
sync. Use the Global Settings - "MIDI THRU" on page 47 option to disable it if desired.
On - DL4 MkII syncs to incoming MIDI Clock messages. While set to On, presses
of the TAP footswitch are ignored.
Auto - DL4 MkII syncs to incoming MIDI Clock messages. The TAP switch’s
LED flashes blue once MIDI Clock sync is established. While set to Auto, tempo
can optionally be set manually by tapping on the TAP footswitch.
NOTE: If you manually tap a tempo on DL4 MkII with MIDI Clock set to Auto, the TAP
switch LED flashes at your new tempo while remaining blue.
Once you’ve selected the preferred Auto or On option described above, use the fol-
lowing steps to sync DL4 MkII to your source MIDI Clock device’s tempo.
Connect your source MIDI Clock device’s MIDI OUT to DL4 MkII’s MIDI
IN port. Or, USB-connect DL4 MkII to your computer and select the
DL4 MkII USB MIDI port within your MIDI/DAW software.
2. On the source device, set the desired tempo rate and start the MIDI
Clock send.
3. Once DL4 MkII receives the MIDI Clock “start” command, you’ll see
DL4 MkII’s TAP switch LED change to flashing blue to indicate it is
actively following the received MIDI Clock tempo rate.
When MIDI Clock is stopped on the source device, you’ll see the TAP switch LED
return to flashing red, and the tempo remains at the last synced tempo rate.
If the Global Settings > "Tempo Preset/Global" is set to Per Preset (the default option),
when changing to a different preset, the TAP Tempo rate will change to the new pre-
set’s saved tempo rate. You’ll see the TAP switch LED flashing blue at the new rate.