User Manual

Basic Operation
Working with Presets
Being the clever operator you are, you’ve likely already deduced that you can simply
press-release footswitch A, B, or C to toggle its respective preset between bypassed
(lit dim green), versus active (lit bright green). We’ve pre-loaded these three locations
with factory presets to get you started, which you can optionally replace with your own.
Bright Green
Dim Green
Figure 1: The A, B, and C switches indicate the Bypassed or Enabled state for the current preset
But there is more lurking below the surface... DL4 MkII includes an additional bank of three
presets accessible from the device, as well as MIDI access to 128 presets individually!
NOTE: If you bypass the current preset and enable the same preset again, it remains in
its edited state. If you load a different preset, your previously edited preset is recalled in
its last-saved state the next time you stomp its footswitch to enable it again. In short —if
you want to keep your modified preset settings, be sure to save it before loading another preset!
See "Saving a Preset" on page 11.
Loading Presets A, B, and C
In its factory default state, DL4 MKII is set to access the Presets ABC Bank, which is
pretty self-explanatory—toggling the A, B, or C labeled footswitch bypasses and enables
preset A, B or C, respectively, as depicted above. These three preset locations come
pre-loaded with factory presets to get you started, which you can modify as desired.
To gain access to more presets, read on.
Loading Presets D, E, and F
In addition to the default bank of A, B, and C presets, also included is a second bank,
which includes the D, E, and F presets, as well as 125 additional presets accessible
strictly via MIDI that you can utilize for your own creations. These can be accessed
as follows.
The Presets D, E, and F Bank
You can optionally re-purpose the TAP switch by choosing the Presets DEF Global
Settings option–see "TAP Footswitch Assign" on page 44.* This allows you to toggle
the device’s A, B, and C labelled footswitches to access the default, first Presets ABC
Bank (TAP is lit dim yellow) versus the second Presets DEF Bank (TAP is lit bright yel-
low). We’ve also pre-loaded the D, E, and F locations with factory presets, which you
can optionally modify.
Presets ABC Bank
Dim Yellow
Presets DEF Bank
Bright Yellow
Figure 2: The TAP footswitch, when configured, selects and indicates the current preset bank
*TIP: If you don’t want to contemplate life without a dedicated TAP Tempo switch, you
can optionally connect a footswitch to FS 5/6 and configure its "Global Settings" for TA P.
Loading Presets 1 - 128 via MIDI
As covered in the preceding sections, the first six presets are arranged in banks of three
(A,B,C and D, E, F), and can be accessed via DL4 MkII’s footswitches. Alternatively,
these first six presets can also be accessed individually by sending MIDI Program
Change messages 000 through 005, respectively, to DL4 MkII.
The additional presets, 7 through 128, are not accessible from the DL4 MkII footswitches,
but are accessed individually, strictly via MIDI Program Change messages 006 through
127. Please also see "" on page 49.
Note that, once you recall any preset via MIDI, its delegated DL4 MkII footswitch will
light up, allowing you to toggle its bypass, or press and hold the footswitch to save
your settings to the preset location. However, the current preset bank in use on DL4
MkII is not changed by MIDI preset loading. Thus, if you’ve configured the TAP switch
for the (yellow) Presets DEF bank select option, note that pressing any unlit A, B, or
C labelled DL4 MkII footswitch will still select the respective preset within the current
bank, indicated by the TAP switch’s dim yellow (Presets ABC Bank) or bright yellow
(Presets DEF Bank) state, as shown in Figure 2 above.