Owner's Manual

Guitar In – Plug your axe in here.
Amp Models Spin this knob to select 1 of 16 Amp Models out of the box. All
Tone and FX controls will automatically be set to sound great with that model, so you can
just play! When you select an Amp Model, the LCD Display will show the model name
plus the current settings for Drive, Bass, Mid, Treble, Channel Volume and Reverb.
Manual Mode Press this button to enter Manual Mode. When it’s LED is
on, all the front panel Tone knobs determine your Tone settings. Even if you select a new
Amp Model, the Tone settings remain the same as your current knob positions. When you
exit Manual Mode by selecting a new Preset, that Preset’s stored settings will take over.
Tone Controls Drive is like a volume or gain knob on conventional guitar
amps; it controls how much “dirt” you get in your sound. Bass, Mid, and Treble controls
are customized for each Amp Model to give you optimal tonal control, just like the original
amp the model was based on. When you turn any of these knobs, the LCD Display will
show the current settings for Drive, Bass, Mid, Treble, Channel Volume and Reverb.
Channel Volume This control is pre-Master Volume in the signal flow. It
helps you balance the volumes of your different Amp-and-FX setups that you store in your
Spider Valve MkII’s Presets. When you turn this knob, the LCD Display will briefly show
the current settings for Drive, Bass, Mid, Treble, Channel Volume and Reverb.
Channels Press any of the A B C D Channel buttons to select a Preset in the
current User Bank. The selected Preset name will appear in the LCD Display. To initiate
a Save, push and hold one of these buttons for 2 seconds. *See Chapter 2•2 for details.
Front Panel Controls