Motor Replacement Part # 23-2008 and 23-280R This motor may not be cataclysm like the one which:you ars about replace; however, Illiberal compatible. Your HRV has a extradite amounted in the electrical box (Fig. TA), iris necessary to disconnect and maven tiaras yourself motor has a capacitor attached permanently to its case or shell, The existing capacitor will either bis: found and silver in color of Young and white, This: capacitor wilt have two brown wires:attached te which come.
NOTE: Far use only when closed bolt pattern'motor is being replayed: Serial umber should Begin with MC. 200 (McMillan) Instructions For Closed Bolt Patterns NOTE: This work should be conducted bya qualified service technician as dangerous line voltage (120VAC) may be present. Follow the instructions carefully to prevent electrical shock: Be sure fo disconnect the power (unplug) while working inside the Heal Recovery Ventilator Unplug the unit. Remove the cores and filters.
NOTICE The replacement motor you have received may be a different brand hair the motor you're replacing. Please note this motor has the same performance characteristics as the motor previously used: Although some motors may be lightly different in size, only minor modifications may be necessary accommodate these differences. (see reverse) Before motor is installed, determine motor rotation (the motor label indicates rotation).
Note: Depending on model & year of HRV, the following may be observed when replacing the motor MOTOR LOCATION #1 Detail of Blower Housing Corrie of Lower may need robe trimmed as Frustrated. Blower Housing Bi Caddied, Foam Gasket nal .