User Guide

MultiSITE CRC 1 Controller
Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specifications may change without notification.
©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
Configuration Main Screens
There are two main configuration screens as shown below. Press the left and right arrow buttons to move
between these two screens. Press a button on a screen to display the parameter selections for that item.
Configuration 1/2
Building Manager
BMS Config
Basic Diagnostic
Password Setup
Factory Default
Enter Display, Date & Time, Filter, Setpoints, Override,
Setback and Outdoor Unit configuration
Enter General, Temperature, Fan and Heat settings and
Accessories configuration
Enter BACnet settings
Setup a password to restrict/allow access to the thermostat
View Diagnostic parameters
Reverts all controller control settings back to default values.
Note: User will be given the option to conrm that they wish to
proceed. Once in the Factory Default screen, if user proceeds with
this step, all schedules and current controller settings, along with time
and date will be cleared. There is no way to recover settings once a
Factory Default has been performed.
Configuration 2/2
Wireless Ecosystem
Enter ZigBee wireless zone configuration settings.