Owner's Manual

This part is used when users attempt to use a SIP server.
SIP Name: Enter the name of the device used when making calls with SIP. The SIP name can be used with alphanumeric. If you enter
other characters except letters, numbers, ., “-” and “_”, you cannot connect a SIP call.
Use SIP Server: Set to On when you use the SIP server. If you set to On, the username, password, TLS, register server address, register
server port, proxy server address and proxy server port options are enabled to set it.
User Name: Enter the SIP server authorization username.
Password: Enter the SIP server authorization password.
TLS: When users call, TLS gives safe information about any message. If you set to On, the register server port and proxy server port
options are set to 5061 automatically.
Register Server Address: Enter the hostname or IP address of the SIP register server.
Register Server Port: Enter the IP port number of the SIP register server.
Proxy Server Address: Enter the hostname or IP address of the SIP proxy server.
Proxy server Port: Enter the IP port number of the SIP proxy server.