Owner's manual

Installation method
- Tools you will need : Phillips head "+" driver(Manual or motorized) Ø4mm drill bit for wood or steel / Level / Stud
finder / Drill. You may also need an 8mm socket wrench or an 8mm drill bit for concrete.
Fixating the mounting bracket on the TV
- If the screw will not fully tighten when using a guide spacer, recheck the assembly depth of the screw and
refer to the technical service manual.
Guide spacer
Guide spacer screw
<Work procedure>
1. Check to see if the display has screws installed into the mounting holes. If so, remove those.
2. Assemble the guide spacer and the guide spacer screw in order as shown in the picture.
Lay the set down and secure the guide spacer and the set using the screws.
- Put the product on the table placing the screen face down. When doing this, it is highly recommended to place
a floor cushion or soft clothes on the flat table before putting the product on it to avoid any damage of the
screen surface.
- Tighten the screw until the set, guide spacer and the screw are fully pressing against one another.
- Use the "+" driver (Manual or motorized) when tightening the screw.