PROPRIETARY DATA NOTICE This document, as well as all reports, illustrations, data, information, and other materials are the property of LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., and are disclosed by LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc. only in confidence. Do not throw away, destroy, or lose this manual. Please read carefully and store in a safe place for future reference. Content familiarity required for proper installation.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS The instructions below must be followed to prevent product malfunction, property damage, injury or death to the user or other people. Incorrect operation due to ignoring any instructions will cause harm or damage. The level of seriousness is classified by the symbols described below. TABLE OF SYMBOLS DANGER This symbol indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Installation, continued Properly insulate all cold surfaces to prevent “sweating.” MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Cold surfaces such as uninsulated piping can generate condensate that could drip, causing a slippery surface that creates a risk of slipping, falling, and personal injury. CAUTION Be very careful when transporting the product. There is a risk of the product falling and causing physical injury.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Wiring DANGER High voltage electricity is required to operate this system. Adhere to the NEC code and these instructions when wiring. Improper connections and inadequate grounding can cause accidental injury or death. Always ground the unit following local, state, and NEC codes. 7KHUH LV ULVN RI ¿UH HOHFWULF VKRFN DQG SK\VLFDO LQMXU\ RU GHDWK Turn the power off at the nearest disconnect before servicing the equipment.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Operation DANGER 'R QRW SURYLGH SRZHU WR RU RSHUDWH WKH XQLW LI LW LV ÀRRGHG or submerged. 7KHUH LV ULVN RI ¿UH HOHFWULF VKRFN SK\VLFDO LQMXU\ RU GHDWK MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Use a dedicated breaker for this product. 7KHUH LV ULVN RI ¿UH HOHFWULF VKRFN SK\VLFDO LQMXU\ RU GHDWK Do not operate the disconnect switch with wet hands. 7KHUH LV ULVN RI ¿UH HOHFWULF VKRFN SK\VLFDO LQMXU\ RU GHDWK Periodically verify the equipm
MULTI F MULTI F MAX TABLE OF CONTENTS Safety Instructions ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-6 0XOWL ) 0XOWL ) 0$; 2XWGRRU 8QLW 6SHFLÀFDWLRQV ................................................................................................................................................. 8-10 Electrical Data .................................
MULTI F MULTI F MAX SPECIFICATIONS Multi F Outdoor Units MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Table 1: 0XOWL ) 2XWGRRU 8QLW 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Model Number LMU18CHV LMU24CHV LMU30CHV LMU36CHV Cooling Capacity (Btu/h)1 (Min.~Rated~ Max.) 8,400~17,000~19,000 8,400~20,000~25,000 8,400~30,000~36,000 8,400~32,000~38,400 Heating Capacity (Btu/h)1 (Min.~Rated~ Max.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX SPECIFICATIONS Multi F MAX Outdoor Units 1 Rated capacity applied with non-ducted indoor units, and is rated 0 ft. above sea level with a 0 ft. level difference between outdoor and indoor units. All capacities are net with a combination ratio between 95 – 105%. Rated cooling capacity obtained with air entering the indoor unit at 80ºF dry bulb (DB) and 67ºF wet bulb (WB) and outdoor ambient conditions of 95ºF dry bulb (DB) and 75ºF wet bulb (WB).
MULTI F MULTI F MAX SPECIFICATIONS Multi F MAX Branch Distribution Units Table 3: Multi F MAX BD Unit General Data. Model Number No. of Connectible Indoor Units1 Max. Nominal Capacity / Port (Btu/h)2 MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Max. Nominal Capacity / BD Unit (Btu/h) Operation Temperature Range (°F DB) Unit Data Refrigerant Type Power Supply V, Ø, Hz Power Input (W) Rated Amps (A) Dimensions W x H x D (in.) Net Unit Weight (lbs.) Shipping Weight (lbs.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX ELECTRICAL DATA Multi F and Multi F MAX Outdoor Units Table 4: Multi F Outdoor Unit Electrical Data. Voltage Nominal Unit Model Hertz Voltage Phase Compressor Compressor Outdoor Fan Motor Range MCA MOP Tons No. Quantity Motor RLA (Min. to Max.) kW FLA 1.5 2 2.5 3 LMU18CHV LMU24CHV LMU30CHV LMU36CHV 60 208 - 230 Voltage tolerance is ±10%. Maximum allowable voltage unbalance is 2%. RLA = Rated Load Amps. MCA = Minimum Circuit Ampacity. 1 187 - 253 13.3 14.3 16.6 17.
R410A REFRIGERANT MULTI F MULTI F MAX R410A Refrigerant R410A refrigerant has a higher operating pressure in comparison to R22 refrigerant and, therefore, all piping system materials installed must have a higher resisting pressure than the materials traditionally used in R22 systems. R410A refrigerant is an azeotrope of R32 and R125, mixed at 50:50, so the ozone depletion potential (ODP) is 0. WARNING MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual 'R QRW SODFH UHIULJHUDQW F\OLQGHU LQ GLUHFW VXQ
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Location for Outdoor Unit Selecting the Best Location for the Outdoor Unit DANGER 7R DYRLG WKH SRVVLELOLW\ RI ¿UH GR QRW LQVWDOO WKH XQLW LQ DQ DUHD ZKHUH FRPEXVWLEOH JDV PD\ JHQHUDWH ÀRZ VWDJQDWH RU OHDN )DLOXUH WR do so will cause serious bodily injury or death. Before beginning installation, read the safety summary at the beginning of this manual.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Location for Outdoor Unit Rooftop Installations If the outdoor unit is installed on a roof structure, be sure to level the unit. Ensure the roof structure and anchoring method are adequate for the unit location. Consult local codes regarding rooftop mounting. MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Planning for Snow and Ice In climates that experience snow buildup, place the unit on a raised platform to ensure proper condenser airflow.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Service Access and Allowable Clearances for Outdoor Unit Outdoor Unit Service Access and Allowable Clearances Appropriate airflow through the outdoor unit coil is critical for proper unit operation. • Include enough space for airflow and for service access. If installing multiple outdoor units, avoid placing the units where the discharge of one unit will blow into the inlet side of an adjacent unit.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Allowable Clearances for Outdoor Unit Clearance Requirements when Different Obstacles are Present, continued. (Unit: Inch) 0" m2 imu Min um 20" Minimum 40" MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual im Max Minimum 40" Obstacles above and on the air intake side. Obstacles above, on the air intake side, and on both left and right sides Min m imu Min imu m1 2" 12" Min Obstacle just on the air discharge side.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Allowable Clearances for Outdoor Unit Where there are obstacles above, and on both suction and discharge sides (discharge side obstacle is higher than the outdoor unit). Where there are obstacles on both suction and discharge sides (discharge side obstacle is higher than the outdoor unit). imu m2 0" Table 7: Ratio among H, A, and L.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Rigging Instructions / Platform Instructions for Outdoor Unit Rigging and Lifting Instructions Wear protective gloves when handling equipment. Sharp edges may cause personal injury. Dispose the packing materials safely. CAUTION Be very careful when transporting the product. There is a risk of the product falling and causing physical injury.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Platform Instructions for Outdoor Unit Outdoor Unit Platform Requirements Outdoor Unit Foundation Requirements. Figure 4: LMU18CHV and LMU24CHV Outdoor Units. Figure 5: LMU30CHV and LMU36CHV Outdoor Units. Unit: Inch Unit: Inch Minimum 3-15/16) Minimum 3-15/16 Minimum 14-9/16 21-1/2 Minimum 14-9/16 Figure 6: LMU480HV, LMU540HV, LMU600HV Outdoor Units.
GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Location for Multi F MAX Branch Distribution Units MULTI F MULTI F MAX Branch Distribution (BD) units are used only with Multi F MAX systems to distribute the refrigerant from the outdoor unit to up to eight indoor units.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Location for Multi F MAX Branch Distribution Units Figure 9: PMBD3620, PMBD3630, PMBD3640, and PMBD3641 External Dimensions. General Installation Guidelines Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specifications may change without notification. ©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Multi F MAX Branch Distribution Unit Installation MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Branch Distribution Unit Orientation Multi F MAX Branch Distribution (BD) Units can be installed in a multitude of options to fit various building configurations and job or application requirements.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Multi F MAX Branch Distribution Units Installation Wall Mount Installation - Hangers Only 1. Attach the factory-supplied hangers with two (2) screws each at the designated four (4) areas on the frame of the BD unit. 2. Install the BD unit to the wall using two screws on each of the hangers. Unit should be ±5 degrees of level. 3. Cover parts of the hanger holes with polyethylene foam insulation (to prevent condensation).
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Piping Preparation • 'R QRW DOORZ WKH UHIULJHUDQW WR OHDN GXULQJ EUD]LQJ LI WKH UHIULJHUDQW FRPEXVWV LW JHQHUDWHV D WR[LF JDV • Do not braze in an enclosed location, and always test for gas leaks before / after brazing. • 7KHUH LV ULVN RI ILUH H[SORVLRQ DQG SK\VLFDO LQMXU\ RU GHDWK MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Outdoor Unit Pipe Connections 1.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Piping Preparation Tightening the Flare Connections When connecting the flare nuts, coat the flare (outside only) with polyvinyl ether (PVE) refrigeration oil only. Do not use polyolyester (POE) or any other type of mineral oil as a thread lubricant. These lubricants are not compatible with PVE oil used in this system and create oil sludge leading to equipment damage and system malfunction. Table 10: Tightening Torque for Flare Nuts.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Piping Materials and Handling Figure 20: Refrigerant Pipe Brazing. Loosening the Flare Nuts Refrigerant Piping Always use two (2) wrenches to loosen the flare nuts. Brazing Practices Nitrogen Keep the piping system free of contaminants and debris such as copper burrs, slag, or carbon dust during installation. Contaminants can result in mechanical failure of the system.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Piping Materials and Handling Selecting Field-Supplied Copper Tubing Type ACR copper is the only approved refrigerant pipe material for use with LG Multi F air conditioning products. ACR rated tubing is the only type that ships with yellow caps. Approved tubing for use with Multi F products will be marked “R410 RATED” along the length of the tube.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Piping Materials and Handling Multi F MAX Y-Branch Kit PMBL5620 Figure 21: Y-Branch Connections. 7KH /* VXSSOLHG < %UDQFK .LW 30%/ 0867 EH XVHG ZKHQ WZR branch distribution units are connected on one Multi F MAX system. Field-supplied fittings are not permitted. Each Y-Branch kit comes with two (2) Y-branches (one for the liquid line and one for the vapor line) and insulation covers.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Piping Materials and Handling Y-Branch Kit Insulation Each Y-branch kit comes with clam-shell type peel-and-stick insulation jackets molded to fit the Y-branch fittings—one for the liquid line, one for the vapor line. • Check the fit of the Y-branch clam-shell insulation jacket after the Y-branch is installed. • Mark the pipe where the insulation jacket ends. • Remove the jacket. • Install field-provided insulation on the pipes first.
GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Piping Materials and Handling MULTI F MULTI F MAX Copper Expansion and Contraction MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Under normal operating conditions, the vapor pipe temperature of a 0XOWL ) V\VWHP FDQ YDU\ DV PXFK DV ) :LWK WKLV ODUJH variance in pipe temperature, the designer must consider pipe expansion and contraction to avoid pipe and fitting fatigue failures.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Piping Materials and Handling Table 17: Linear Thermal Expansion of Copper Tubing in Inches. 1 35° 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.32 0.36 0.40 0.48 0.56 0.64 0.72 40° 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.32 0.36 0.40 0.48 0.56 0.64 0.72 45° 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 50° 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.30 0.36 0.42 0.48 0.54 0.60 0.72 0.84 0.96 1.08 55° 0.06 0.13 0.20 0.26 0.33 0.39 0.46 0.52 0.59 0.65 0.78 0.
GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Piping Materials and Handling MULTI F MULTI F MAX /* (OHFWURQLFV 8 6 $ ,QF LV QRW UHVSRQVLEOH IRU DQ\ SLSLQJ FDOFXODWLRQV UHIULJHUDQW OHDNV GHJUDGDWLRQ RI SHUIRUPDQFH RU DQ\ RWKHU SRWHQWLDO problems or damages as a result of interconnecting piping, their joint connections, isolation valves, introduced debris inside the piping system, or other problems caused by the interconnecting piping system.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Piping Materials and Handling Figure 29: Installing an Insert Into a Concrete Beam. Inserts and Pipe Supports Inserts An insert can be installed into a floor or beam before the concrete sets so that fittings such as ducts, pipes, or suspension bolts can be added at a later time. Decide where the inserts should be placed before support installation.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX GENERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Piping Materials and Handling Examples of Supports Figure 34: U-Bolt Support with Insulation. Figure 35: O-Ring Support with Insulation. Figure 36: Saddle-Type Support. Bolt Support at Intervals Between 5 and 6-3/4 Feet Insulation MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Bolt 1.5t Plate PVC PVC Do not compress the insulation with the saddle-type support.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX REFRIGERANT PIPING CONNECTIONS 7KH IROORZLQJ DUH H[DPSOHV RI PDQXDO SLSH VL]H FDOFXODWLRQV 'HVLJQHUV DUH KLJKO\ HQFRXUDJHG WR XVH /$76 IRU 0XOWL ) V\VWHPV Device Connection Limitations • The minimum number of connected and operating indoor units to Multi F / Multi F MAX systems is two, taking into consideration the minimum combination ratio.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX REFRIGERANT PIPING CONNECTIONS Multi F Outdoor Unit to Indoor Unit Piping Connections Figure 43: Multi F Refrigerant Pipe Connections (LMU36CHV shown as example). Avoid Pipe Damage • When routing field-provided piping, avoid damaging the outdoor unit from H[FHVVLYH YLEUDWLRQ • Properly insulate the liquid and gas lines separately up to the point of connection at the unit frame. • See table below for Multi F outdoor unit connection types.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX REFRIGERANT PIPING CONNECTIONS Multi F MAX Outdoor Unit System Piping Connections MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Avoid Pipe Damage • :KHQ URXWLQJ ILHOG SURYLGHG SLSLQJ DYRLG GDPDJLQJ WKH RXWGRRU XQLW IURP H[FHVVLYH YLEUDWLRQ • Properly insulate the liquid and gas lines separately up to the point of connection at the unit frame. • See table below for Multi F MAX outdoor unit connection types. Table 28: Outdoor Unit Piping Connections.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX REFRIGERANT PIPING CONNECTIONS Multi F MAX Outdoor Unit System Piping Connections, continued. 1. Align the center of the piping sections and tighten the flare nut by hand. 2. Tighten the flare nut with a torque wrench, using the arrows on the wrench as a guide, until a click is heard. 3. Wrap insulation around the connection. Figure 48: Possible Outdoor Unit or Branch Distribution Unit to Indoor Unit Connections. 1. 3/8 in. to 3/8 in.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX REFRIGERANT PIPING CONNECTIONS Y-Branch Kit Multi F MAX Y-Branch Kit PMBL5620 Y-branches may be installed in horizontal or vertical configurations. When installed vertically, position the Y-branch so the straightWKURXJK OHJ LV RI SOXPE :KHQ LQVWDOOHG KRUL]RQWDOO\ SRVLWLRQ WKH Y-branch so the take-off leg is level and shares the same horizontal SODQH DV WKH VWUDLJKW WKURXJK OHJ URWDWLRQ Table 33: Y-Branch Connection Diameters.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX REFRIGERANT PIPING PREPARATION Flushing the Refrigerant Piping Flushing the Refrigerant Piping Flushing is a method of cleaning the refrigerant piping using pressurized nitrogen gas. Flushing: 1. Removes oxidation bubbles that may have formed inside the copper piping if nitrogen replacement was insufficient during soldering. 2. Removes foreign material and moisture from piping if the piping wasn’t stored properly. 3.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX REFRIGERANT PIPING PREPARATION Leak Test Leak Test and Vacuum Procedures MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Before performing the test run, Multi F and Multi F MAX refrigerant piping and the piping connections to the outdoor unit, the indoor units, and the BD units (Multi F MAX systems only) must be evacuated to remove any non-condensible gases and moisture that may be present in the system, and checked for leaks.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX REFRIGERANT PIPING PREPARATION Leak Test Leak Test Procedure, continued. 7. While operating the pressure gauge system, observe the connections for any leaks. If bubbles appear at any of the connections (indoor, BD, and outdoor units) or refrigerant piping joints, a leak is present. 8. Make a note of where the leaks are, and remove the soap with a clean cloth. 9. Disengage the nitrogen pressure by loosening the charge hose connector at the nitrogen cylinder.
REFRIGERANT PIPING PREPARATION Vacuum Procedure MULTI F MULTI F MAX Vacuum Procedure • Never perform air purging using refrigerant; it will damage the outdoor unit. • Use a vacuum pump that can evacuate to 500 microns. 1. Evacuate the system from the liquid and vapor pipes with a vacuum pump for over two (2) hours and bring the system to 500 microns. 2. Maintain system under that condition for over one (1) hour; if the vacuum gauge rises, the system may contain moisture or a leak. 3.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX REFRIGERANT PIPING PREPARATION Refrigerant Charge LG Multi F and Multi F MAX outdoor units ship from the factory with a charge of R410A refrigerant. A trim charge may need to be added to take into account additional piping length. To determine the additional refrigerant that is needed, apply the formulas below, and record the results. If the total additional refrigerant charge value is a negative number, then an additional trim charge does not need to be added to the system.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX REFRIGERANT PIPING PREPARATION Refrigerant Charge Charging the Refrigerant 1. 2. 3. 4. Refrigerant Piping Connections Determine the refrigerant that is needed, applying the necessary formulas as outlined in the previous pages. Connect the charging cylinder to the charge hose on the manifold valve. Purge air from the charge hose by opening the valve at the bottom of the cylinder, and press the check valve on the manifold valve.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX REFRIGERANT PIPING PREPARATION Refrigerant Piping Insulation MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Refrigerant Piping System Insulation All refrigerant piping from the outdoor unit to the indoor units / BD units (Multi F MAX systems only) must be insulated correctly for safety and usage.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX REFRIGERANT PIPING PREPARATION Refrigerant Piping Insulation 1. Typical location (Air-conditioned location): When the piping passes through an indoor area where the indoor unit operates. • Apartment, classroom, office, mall, hospital, etc. 2. Special location (Air-conditioned location): 1. When the location is air conditioned, but there is severe temperature/humidity difference due to high ceilings • Church, auditorium, theater, lobby, etc. 2.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX REFRIGERANT PIPING PREPARATION Refrigerant Piping Insulation Underground Refrigerant Piping MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Refrigerant pipe installed underground should be routed inside a vapor tight protective sleeve to prevent insulation deterioration and water infiltration. Refrigerant pipe installed inside underground casing must be continuous without any joints. Underground refrigerant pipe must be located at a level below the frost line.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX REFRIGERANT PIPING PREPARATION Refrigerant Piping Insulation Bundling If a conduit is not used on the connection from the outdoor unit to the interior, bundle both insulated refrigerant pipes, the drain hose, and outdoor unit to indoor unit / BD unit communication cable / power wiring together with wide vinyl tape. Figure 68: Bundling the Connection Components (From Outdoor Unit to ,QGRRU 8QLW %' 8QLW >0XOWL ) 0$; V\VWHPV@ Indoor unit pipe Connection pipe Vinyl tape (wide) Wrap
REFRIGERANT PIPING PREPARATION Refrigerant Piping Insulation MULTI F MULTI F MAX MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Y-Branch Kit Insulation Each Y-branch kit comes with clam-shell type peel-and-stick insulation jackets molded to fit the Y-branch fittings—one for the liquid line, one for the vapor line. Figure 70: Y-branch Insulation Detail. • Check the fit of the Y-branch clam-shell Field-Supplied Insulation Tape insulation jacket after the Y-branch is installed.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX WIRING General Information • All power wiring and communication cable installation must be performed by authorized service providers working in accordance with local, state, and National Electrical Code regulations related to electrical equipment and wiring, and following the instructions in this manual. • Be sure that main power to the unit is completely off before proceeding. Follow all safety and warning information outlined at the beginning of this manual.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX WIRING General Information MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual General Communication Cable Specifications • Multi F Systems: All power wiring / communication cable to be minimum 18 AWG from the outdoor unit to the indoor unit, stranded, shielded or unshielded (if shielded, it must be grounded to the chassis of the outdoor unit only), and must comply with applicable local and national codes.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX WIRING Power Wiring and Communications Cable Connections Outdoor Unit Wiring Connection Guidelines, continued. If ring terminals or spade clips are not available, then: • Do not terminate different gauge wires to the power terminal block. Slack in the wiring may generate heat and fire. • Do not over tighten the connections; overtightening may damage the terminals. • When terminating wires of the same thickness, follow the instructions demonstrated in the illustrations below. • )LUPO\ D
WIRING Power Wiring and Communications Cable Connections MULTI F MULTI F MAX Connecting the Power Wiring / Communications Cable to the Outdoor Unit, continued. Figure 76: Connecting the Power Wiring / Communications Cables to the Outdoor Unit (LMU18~36CHV; LMU480, 540HV). Figure 77: Connecting the Power Wiring / Communications Cables to the Outdoor Unit (LMU600HV).
MULTI F MULTI F MAX WIRING Power Wiring and Communications Cable Connections Connecting the Power Wiring / Communications Cable to the Outdoor Unit, continued. Figure 78: Detailed View of Outdoor Unit Terminal Blocks / Connections.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX WIRING Power Wiring and Communications Cable Connections &RQQHFWLQJ WKH 3RZHU :LULQJ &RPPXQLFDWLRQV &DEOH WR ,QGRRU 8QLWV MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual 1. Connect power wiring / communications cable (connecting cable) from the outdoor unit to the individual indoor unit terminals following the wiring diagrams on the outdoor unit and indoor unit control covers. 2.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX WIRING Power Wiring and Communications Cable Connections PI485 PI485 V-net Control Integration Board for Outdoor Units adapt Multi F, Multi F MAX systems to a LG VRF system central protocol for integration with LG central controllers. The PI485 is installed in the Multi F / Multi F MAX outdoor unit. For more information on PI485 installation, see the PI485 installation manual. Figure 82: PI485 Installation Area in Multi F and Multi F MAX Outdoor Units.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX TEST RUN Test Run After checking the system for leaks and performing the evacuation procedure, perform a test run. Follow the guidelines below for proper procedure. Figure 83: Piping Connection on the Outdoor Unit (May Differ Depending on Outdoor Unit Model). Refrigerant Pipe Bolt Bolt Connection Location MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Before the Test Run 1.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX DIP SWITCH SETTINGS Figure 86: LMU18~36CHV Outdoor Unit DIP Switches (in Normal Operation Setting). Outdoor Unit DIP Switch Settings System must be powered off, and then turned back on to apply DIP switch settings. Figure 87: LMU480-540HV Outdoor Unit DIP Switches (in Normal Operation Setting). ON Turn off the circuit breaker or shut the power source of the product down before setting the DIP switch. There is risk of physical injury or death due to electric shock.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX DIP SWITCH SETTINGS Location of DIP Switches on Multi F and Multi F MAX Outdoor Units Figure 89: Multi F / Multi F MAX Outdoor Unit DIP Switch Locations.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX DIP SWITCH SETTINGS Wiring Error Check Figure 91: Wiring Error Check DIP Switch Setting. Use to verify if wiring is properly installed. 1. Shut power down to the system. ON 2. Set DIP Switch 2 to ON. 3. Turn power on to the system. OFF 4. Check if the Red and Green LEDs on the outdoor unit PCB are ON (indicate indoor units are in forced 1 2 3 operation mode). 1 2 3 5. If the wiring is correctly installed, the Green LED will light up.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX DIP SWITCH SETTINGS MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Reducing Power Consumption with Mode Lock Enables more efficient system operation by lowering the maximum power consumption value, as well as locks the mode of operation (Example: In a cooling-only server room application where permission to adjust the system mode is highly limited). Changing modes can cause a change in compressor frequency, which would cause problems with the setting.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX DIP SWITCH SETTINGS Figure 98: Mode Lock DIP Switch Settings. Mode Lock Prevents mixed mode operation (mode change) in applications where only one mode is necessary. 1. Shut power down to the system. 2. For Only Cooling Mode Lock, set only DIP Switches 1 and 2 to ON. For Only Heating Mode Lock, set only DIP Switches 3 and 4 to ON. 3. Turn power on to the system. Only Cooling Mode Lock Only Heating Mode Lock ON ON OFF 1 1 2 2 3 4 3 4 OFF 1 1 2 2 3 4 3 4 2QO\ WKH ¿UVW IRXU '
MULTI F MULTI F MAX TROUBLESHOOTING Self Diagnosis Functions LG Monitoring View (LGMV) Diagnostic Software MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual LGMV software (PRCTSL1 and PRCTFE1) allows the service technician or commissioning agent to connect a computer USB port to the Multi F / Multi F MAX system’s main printed circuit board (PCB) using an accessory cable without the need for a separate interface device.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX TROUBLESHOOTING Self Diagnosis Functions LG Monitoring View (LGMV) Diagnostic Software and Cable - Continued Figure 103: MV Control Indoor Units Screen 5. Data • Data Saving Start: Recording of real time data to a separate file created to be stored on the user’s computer. • Data Loading Start: Recorded data from a saved “.CSV” file can be loaded to create an LGMV session. 6.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX TROUBLESHOOTING Self Diagnosis Functions Figure 105: LG SIMs App and WLAN Module MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual LG SIMS The SIMs WLAN module and the smart phone app together provide monitoring and troubleshooting capability for LG Multi F / Multi F MAX systems. SIMs functions only with LG Duct Free products. SIMs can display and graph operational data for the air conditioner system including the indoor unit and the outdoor unit.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX TROUBLESHOOTING Self Diagnosis Functions SIMs App Screens Outdoor Info/ Component Screen Outdoor Info/ Temperature Screen Displays the following information: • Frequency • FAN1 RPM • FAN2 RPM • DC Link • Current • Voltage • EEV Mode • Restart Timer • Comp Mode • EEV Displays the following information: • Inv TD • Suction • Discharge • Cond Mid • Cond Out • Heatsink • Air Temp Wiring Indoor Info Tab Displays the following information: • Frequency • Operation • THM Mode • REM Mode •
MULTI F MULTI F MAX TROUBLESHOOTING Error Codes Figure 108: Standard Wall-Mounted Indoor Unit LEDs. MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual Troubleshooting Using Error Codes Refer to Tables 44 and 45 for error codes that are generated from the indoor and outdoor units. These codes indicate different types of unit failures, assist in self-diagnosis, are the most common that will manifest through these units.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX TROUBLESHOOTING Error Codes Table 45: Outdoor Unit Error Codes. LED01 (Red) LED02 (Green) DC Peak (IPM Fault); Compressor DC voltage was too high 2X 1X OFF Current Transformer2 (CT2) error; Alternating current (AC) input too high 2X 2X OFF 2X 3X OFF Description 21 22 23 No.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX CAUTIONS FOR REFRIGERANT LEAKS &DXWLRQV IRU 5HIULJHUDQW /HDNV ,QWURGXFWLRQ MULTI F / MULTI F MAX Outdoor Unit Installation Manual ASHRAE Standards 15 and 34 offer guidelines that address refrigerant safety and the maximum allowable concentration of refrigerant in an occupied space. Refrigerant will dissipate into the atmosphere, but a certain volume of air is required for this to occur safely. For R410A refrigerant, the maximum allowable concentration is 0.026 lbs.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX CAUTIONS FOR REFRIGERANT LEAKS To determine the volume of an occupied space, the designer must also determine which ones are connected, not connected, or ventilated (refer to Standard 34). If the calculated RCL is above the allowable limit, there are two primary methods used to lower the RCL: 1. Increase the volume of the occupied space. 2. Decrease the size of the refrigerant charge.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX INSTALLATION CHECKLIST PAGE 1 Major Component Rough-In Description All Multi F / Multi F MAX outdoor units were connected properly per local code and the product installation procedures. All literature and bagged accessories have been removed from the fan discharge. Indoor units and branch distribution unit(s) (Multi F MAX only) are installed, properly supported, and located indoors in a non-corrosive environment.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX INSTALLATION CHECKLIST PAGE 2 &RQGHQVDWH 3XPS 'UDLQ ,QVWDOODWLRQ Description Check Indoor unit condensate drain pipes were installed correctly. $OO FRQGHQVDWH YHUWLFDO ULVHUV DUH HTXDO WR RU OHVV WKDQ Ǝ IURP WKH ERWWRP RI WKH LQGRRU XQLW Indoor units with condensate pumps were level. Units with gravity drains were level or slightly canted toward the drain connection and are supported properly.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX INSTALLATION CHECKLIST PAGE 3 Major Component Rough-In Piping and Insulation Brazing Practices Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specifications may change without notification. ©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX INSTALLATION CHECKLIST PAGE 4 Installation—Refrigerant Piping Installation—Branch Distribution Unit (Multi F MAX Systems Only) ,QVWDOODWLRQ²&RQGHQVDWH 3XPS 'UDLQ ,QVWDOODWLRQ Installation—Power Wire and Communications Cables Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specifications may change without notification. ©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX MULTI F REFRIGERANT CHARGE WORKSHEET LG Multi F outdoor units ship from the factory with a charge of R410A refrigerant. A trim charge may need to be added to take into account additional piping length. To determine the additional refrigerant that is needed, apply the formula below, and record the results. If the total additional refrigerant charge value is a negative number, then an additional trim charge does not need to be added to the system.
MULTI F MULTI F MAX MULTI F MAX REFRIGERANT CHARGE WORKSHEET LG Multi F MAX outdoor units ship from the factory with a charge of R410A refrigerant. A trim charge may need to be added to take into account additional piping length. To determine the additional refrigerant that is needed, apply the formula below, and record the results. If the total additional refrigerant charge value is a negative number, then an additional trim charge does not need to be added to the system.
20001747 ISO 9001: 2008 LG ELECTRONICS INC. Refer to Service Manuals posted on for a full description of all error codes and work-arounds. LG Electronics, U.S.A., Inc. Commercial Air Conditioning Division 4300 North Point Parkway Alpharetta, Georgia 30022 LG Electronics Products Support 1-888-865-3026 USA Follow the prompts for HVAC products.