User Guide
Table Of Contents
99. [Scan Inversion] (Command: s n, 87)
It controls the on/off status of Scan Inversion.
(s)(n)( )(Set ID)( )(8)(7)( )(Data)(Cr)
Data 00: Off
01: On
(n)( )(Set ID)( )(OK/NG)(8)(7)(Data)(x)
* This feature may not be available for all models.
* If you change the values on a Video Wall model, please reboot
for it to work normally.
100. [Frame Control] (Command: s n, b7)
It controls the Frame Control.
(s)(n)( )(Set ID)( )(b)(7)( )(Data)(Cr)
Data 00: Off
01: On
(n)( )(Set ID)( )(OK/NG)(b)(7)(Data)(x)
* This feature may not be available for all models.
* If you change the values on a Video Wall model, please reboot
for it to work normally.
101. [Average Picture Level Auto Control] (Command: s
n, be)
Sets Average Picture Level Auto Control.
(s)(n)( )(Set ID)( )(b)(e)( )(Data)(Cr)
Data 00: [Off]
01: [On]
(n)( )(Set ID)( )(OK/NG)(b)(e)(Data)(x)
* This feature may not be available for all models.
102. Read Brightness Value (Command: m u)
Checks the brightness value.
(m)(u)( )(Set ID)( )(FF)(Cr)
Data 1 00~64: Backlight PWM figure 0-100
Data 2 00~ff: The upper 1-byte of the value measured by
the CA210.
Data 3 00~ff: The lower 1-byte of the value measured by
the CA210.
The CA210 measurement is Hex: 0000~ffff, Decimal:
0 - 65535
Data 4 00~ff: The upper 1-byte of the value measured by
BLU 1 Sensor.
Data 5 00~ff: The lower 1-byte of the value measured by
BLU 1 Sensor
Data 6 00~ff: The upper 1-byte of the value measured by
BLU 2 Sensor
Data 7 00~ff: The lower 1-byte of the value measured by
BLU 2 Sensor
The BLU measurement is Hex: 0000~ffff, Decimal: 0 -
* The CA210 measurement is entered as “Calibration” when
the product is released from the factory. It is Default 0 before
the calibration.
* This feature may not be available for all models.
103. [Screen Fault Detection] (Command: t z)
Sets the Screen Fault Detection feature.
(t)(z)( )(Set ID)( )(Data)(Cr)
Data 00: [Off]
01: [On]
(z)( )(Set ID)( )(OK/NG)(Data)(x)
* This feature may not be available for all models.
104. [Stereo Mode] (Command: s n, c2)
Controls Stereo Mode.
(s)(n)( )(Set ID)( )(c)(2)( )(Data)(Cr)
Data 00: Left/Right
01: Left/Left
02: Right/Right
(n)( )(Set ID)( )(OK/NG)(c)(2)(Data)(x)
* This feature may not be available for all models.