
MFL34797048-en-8-ING 9/8/2008 3:54 PM Page 34
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Music Selection and Popup Menu
Up to 6 music titles are listed per page.
Select the target folder or drive.
Select the desired musics.
show the PopUp menu.
Select the desired PopUp menu.
_, Navigate _ PopUp Menu CH Move Page
'FA_ Mark 1_£'{ _ Exit
Return to TV viewing.
_____ ¸
4:, Navigate _ PopUp Menu CH Move Page FAY Mark _T_I4: I Exit
,,,,,,,iThe play information box (as shown below) will
automatically move across the screen when there
is no user input to prevent a fixed image remain-
ing on the screen for a extended period of time.
Play (During stop): Play the selected music.
Once a song finishes playing, the next selected
one will be played. When there are no selected
musics to play, the next one in the current fold-
er will be played. If you go to a different folder
and press the ENTER button, the current
music in playback will stop.
Play Marked: Play the selected musics. Once
a music finishes playing, the next selected one
will be played automatically.
Stop Play (During playback): Stop the play-
ing musics.
Play with Photo: Start playing the selected
musics and then move to the Photo List.
Mark All: Mark all musics in the folder.
Unmark All: Deselect all marked music.
Delete: Delete the selected music.
Cancel: Close the pop-up menu.