
Adjust the picture horizontally, in a linear
proportion to fill the entire screen.
Just Scan
Normally the edges of video signals are
cropped 1-2%. Just Scan turns off this
cropping and shows the complete video.
Notes: If there is noise on the edges of the
original signal, it will be visible when Just Scan
is activated.
Just Scan operates only in DTV/Cable DTV/
C o m p o n e n t / H D M I - D T V / D V I - D T V
(720p/1080i/1080p) input source.
Set By Program
Selects the proper picture proportion to
match the source’s image.
Choose 4:3 when you want to view a picture
with an original 4:3 aspect ratio.
Choose Zoom when you want to view the
picture without any alteration. However, the
top and bottom portions of the picture will
be cropped.
Cinema Zoom
Choose Cinema Zoom when you want to
enlarge the picture in correct proportion.
This enlarges an image with cinemascope
aspect ratio (2.35:1) without distortion.
Note: When enlarging or reducing the pic-
ture, the image may become distorted.
(4:3 4:3)