Owners manual

Delete all: You can delete all messages.
* Specific MMS options
Repeat: Allows you to repeat reproduction of the
selected multimedia message.
Receive: (for multimedia message notification
only). Multimedia messages, unlike text messages,
must be downloaded from the server automatically
or manually. The network initially sends multimedia
message notification: If the Auto retrieveoption is
off or an error has occurred, receipt must be
confirmed by selecting [Receive]. If the Auto
retrieve option is on, the message is automatically
downloaded after receipt of notification.
* Specific download message options
Information: Shows the content of download
Load: Launches the WAP connection to the URL
contained in the download message. The telephone
must be configured for WAP services to use
download messages.
MENU 5.3
You can see sent and unsent messages here. For sent
message, you can see the delivery status. The
browsing is same as that for the inbox message.
When you already sent the message:
View: You can view the sent messages.
Forward: You can forward the current message to
other recipients.
Delete: You can delete the current message.
View Information: You can view information about
outbox messages; Recipient’s address, Subject
Icon Icon directive
MMS Sent
MMS Unsent
MMS delivery confirmed
SMS sent
SMS unsent
SMS delivery confirmed