Owners manual

Image quality - Choose
between Super fine, Fine, and
Normal. The finer the quality,
the sharper the photo. However,
the file size will increase as a
result, which means you’ll be
able to store fewer photos in
the memory.
Select storage - Choose
whether to save your photos to
the Handset memory or to the
External memory.
Hide icons - Choose the
camera setting icons to hide
manually or automatically.
Show captured image -
Choose On to check the picture
you took right away.
Shutter sound - Select one of
the three shutter sounds.
Grid screen - Choose
between Off, Simple cross, or
Reset settings - Restore all
camera default settings.
Video camera
Making a quick video
To switch to the camera mode
or video mode, slide up/down
the camera or video icon on the
right centre of the viewfinder.
1 Holding the phone
horizontally, point the lens
towards the subject of the
2 Press the red dot .
3 Rec will appear at the
bottom of the viewfinder with
a timer at the bottom showing
the length of the video.
4 To pause the video, touch
and resume by selecting .
5 Touch on screen.
After making a video
A still image representing your
captured video will appear on
the screen. The name of the
video runs along the bottom of
the screen together with icons
down the left and right sides .
LG-T300_ORW_Eng_1.0_0817.indd 21 2010.8.17 5:5:19 PM