Owners manual

Only J2ME(Java 2 Micro
Edition) based programs will run in a phone
environment. The J2SE(Java 2 Standard Edition)
based programs will only run in a PC environment.
The JAR file is a compressed format of
the Java program and the JAD file is a
description file that includes all detailed
information. From the network, prior to
download, you can view all detailed file
descriptions from the JAD file.
While being based on a standard
language (J2ME), not all Java
applications are compatible with all
handsets on sale insofar as specific
libraries may be used for a telephone
model. The software may be blocked or
switch itself on when Java applications
not specifically developed for the
phone this manual refers to are
downloaded, making it necessary to
“restart” the handset. We would like to
point out that these problems are
caused by incompatible applications
and are not a product fault.
My stuff
My stuff
New Fantastic LG
There is mass storage
function in the KG800. if you connect the
USB cable, you can use the phone as a
Removable Disk.
You can download MP3 files, and photos,
video, txt files etc. this gives you fast
access from PC to Phone, by just
connecting the USB cable.
This function does not require the
installation of additional software.
1. Whilst the phone is displaying the
standby screen, connect the phone to
the PC using the supplied USB cable.
The PC should recognise the handset
within a few seconds.
2. The phone will display « USB » on the
3. The phone will be identified as «
Removable disk » in My Computer. The
PC should then treat the KG800 as a
standard drive allowing you to place files
to and from the handset's memory. You
can either use Window's drag and drop
or copy and paste methods to transfer