Owners manual

LG KF600 | User Guide
Using the Settings menu you can personalise
each profi le setting.
1 Press and select .
2 Choose the profi le setting you want to edit
and touch Personalise.
3 For the Silent and Vibrate only profi les,
you can adapt the vibration. For the other
profi les, you can change all of the sounds
and alert options available in the list,
including your Ring tones and Ring
Volume, Message alert type and
Message tones.
Changing your phone settings
Enjoy the freedom of adapting your KF600 so
that it works in a way which suits you best.
Touch and select . Choose from the
list below:
Date & time - Adjust your date and time
settings or choose to auto update the time
when you travel.
Language - Change the language
of your KF600’s display.
. Screen - Change your screen settings.
Connectivity - See Changing your
connectivity settings for more information.
Call - See Call settings on page 23 for
more information.
Security - See Changing your security
settings on page 62 for more information.
Power save - Choose to switch the
factory set power saving settings
On or Off.
Flight mode - Switch the fl ight mode On
or Off. You will not be able to make calls,
connect to the Internet, send messages or
use Bluetooth when Flight mode is
switched on.
Power saving - Choose to set the power
saving option Always on, on for Night
only or Off.
Reset - Reset all the settings to their
factory defi nitions.
Memory manager - See Using memory
manager on page 60 for more information
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