Owners manual

< Passwords >
Visible passwords
– Select
to show passwords as you
type them or deselect to hide
passwords as you type them.
< Credential storage >
Use secure credentials
Checkmark to allow applications to
access your phone’s encrypted store
of secure certificates and related
passwords and other credentials.
You use credential storage to
establish some kinds of VPN and
Wi-Fi connections. If you have not
set a password for the credential
storage, this setting is dimmed.
Install from SD card
– Allows
you to install encrypted
certificates from a microSD card.
Set password
– Allows you to
set or change the password for
your secure credential storage.
Your password must have at
least 8 characters.
Clear storage
– Deletes all
secure certificates and related
credentials and erases the
secure storage’s own password.
Unknown sources
– Permits
installation of applications that
you obtain from websites, email,
or other locations other than
Android Market.
To protect your phone and
personal data, download
applications only from trusted
sources, such as Android
Manage applications
and remove installed applications.
Running services
you to view and control
currently running services and
applications. This option displays
what processes each running
service needs and how much
memory it is using.
– Allows you
to set options for application
development, such as
Stay awake
, and
Allow mock locations.
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