Owners manual

Icon Description
Downloading data
Uploading data
GPS is on
Receiving location data
from GPS
2 more notifications not
Call in progress
Data is syncing
Download finished
New Google Mail
New Google talk
New message
Song is playing
Upcoming event
Onscreen keyboard
You can also enter text using
the onscreen keyboard. The
onscreen keyboard displays
automatically on the screen
when you need to enter text. To
manually display the keyboard,
simply touch a text field where
you want to enter text.
Using the keypad &
Entering text
Tap to swap between
lowercase and uppercase.
Tap to enter an uppercase
letter. The next letter you
type will be uppercase.
Tap twice to turn on caps
lock. The coloured circle
on the button tells you if
uppercase is locked on
(green) or if it is just on for
one character (orange).
Your Home screen
GT540 MR_SEA_E_1.0_101103.indd 32 2010.11.3 10:54:11 AM