Owners manual

LG-E900 | User Guide
Category Sub-Category Question Answer
What are the functions
available via Bluetooth?
Connecting to Stereo/Mono Headset, Car Kit is
Is it possible to use internet
when synchronising between
phone and pc?
(In such case, where pc is
connected with wired LAN).
It's not supported.
Is there any way to transfer the
contacts data to other phone
thru bluetooth?
Ex) Contacts of other phone
move to phone via BT.
It's not supported.
Bluetooth Print
Can you print MS office
document (MS word, excel,
PDF, etc.) using BT or wireless?
It's not supported.
Data Backup
How do you import contacts
from your old phone to your
Window Phone 7?
Put your old SIM card into your new phone,
then go to Settings. Flick to applications, tap
people > import SIM contacts.
You cannot do this through Zune.
Data Synchronization
What are some limitations,
when data synchronising
between windows phone
7 and pc?
In Window Phone 7, "Zune" application is used
instead of "Activesync".
The limitation of Zune is, while syncronizing,
(music, video and picture) files can not be played
on the phone.
Category Sub-Category Question Answer
Data Synchronization
How do you synchronise
between phone and pc under
Windows Vista & Win7?
By using microsoft application "Zune" which can
be downloaded from MS website.
Data Web-Upgrade
Is it possible to backup the
user data automatically when
upgrading thru Web.
Zune supports whole flash backup, but does not
support backup of user data seperately.
Misc. Call Time
Is the Calling time calculated
differently according to the
model(Ex. 2G/3G, CDMA ...)
CDMA Model : Calling time is calculated from when
you press "call" after dialling the number.
2G/3G Model : Calling time is calculated from
when the call is connected.
Misc. E-Mail
Where do you get POP3 &
SMTP Server settings?
Please consult email system administrator for
Misc. Active X
Is the Activie X supported
like PC?
No, it’s not supported.
How do you check if battery is
fully charged?
Battery charge status is displayed on top of
the screen.
W&P option
Is it possible to use W(Wait) &
P(Pause) option, when saving
phone number to contacts?
Yes, its possible. But it's supported using the
hardware keyboard only. it's not supported for the
on-screen keyboard.
LG-E900_VODA_Swiss.indb 82 12/2/10 2:04 PM