Owners manual

LG-E900 | User Guide
Making a second call
1 During your initial call, touch the
then tap .
2 Call the number, or search your
contacts using the
or .
3 Touch the call icon to connect
the call.
4 Both calls will be displayed on the
call screen. Your initial call will be
locked and put on hold.
5 Touch PRESS TO SWAP on the top of
the screen to toggle between calls.
6 To end active calls, touch end call.
If there is no active call, it will end
the Hold call.
NOTE: You will be charged for each call
you make.
Viewing your call history
On the Start screen, press the to
view the Call log.
View a complete list of all dialled,
received, and missed voice calls.
TIP! Touch any single call log entry to
view the date, and time of the call.
TIP! Tap the Application bar tab, then
touch delete all to delete all the
recorded items.
Call settings
You can congure phone call settings,
such as call forwarding, and other
special features oered by your service
1 On the Start screen, touch
2 Tap the Applications bar at the
bottom of the call history screen
and open the Call Settings menu.
3 Scroll and tap call settings and
choose options that you want to
Voicemail number - Edits the
voicemail number
Show my caller ID to - Choose
whether to display your number on an
outgoing call.
international assist- Helps to
automatically correct some common
mistakes while dialling internationally
or dialling while abroad.
Searching for a contact
There are two ways to search for a
On the Start screen
1 On the Start screen, touch the
People hub tile to open your
contacts (People hub).
2 Touch and enter the contact
name using the keypad.
From the application menu
1 On the Start screen, touch to go
to the applications menu.
2 Touch the People application and
select the desired prole.
Adding a new contact
1 On the Start screen, touch the
People application.
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