Owners manual

EEddiittiinngg QQuuiicckkAAlleerrttss
QuickAlerts can be personalized and stored for repeat usage. Once
saved, an edited QuickAlert is available for use on the “Add
QuickAlert” page.
1. From Family Alert!, select
EEddiitt QQuuiicckkAAlleerr tt
and press
2. Under Edit QuickAlert, use the up/down NAV KEY to choose a
QuickAlert to edit or select [
EEnntteerr NNeeww]]
to type your own, and
3. Under Edit Alert, change or add text to the QuickAlert and press
4. “Saved!” will appear to confirm the completed action.
5. To send the saved message, follow “Sending QuickAlert” or
“New Alert” directions above.
NOTE: A Family Alert! can only be sent if both the sending and
receiving phones are within Disney Mobile's coverage area.
NOTE: Some Family Alert! features will not be available under
certain conditions including, but not limited to, family
members’ phones being turned off, one or more family
members roaming off the Disney Mobile network, poor
network signal or other network problems.
VViieewwiinngg AAlleerr ttss
A Family Alert! will appear on your phone’s main screen as soon as
it is received.
You can also see the last 10 alerts you have received:
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