User manual

y If the TV scans a blocked programme, you
will be prompted to enter your password to
keep the programme scanned.
y Transponder : If there is no transponder to
use, you can add a transponder by logging in
as User.
y If more than 2000 transponders are stored,
you cannot add any more transponders. To
add transponders, delete the unused setting
IDs in SETUP > Satellite DTV Setting and
try again.
y If there is no transponder, you cannot use
Auto Tuning. In this case, you must add a
transponder using Manual Tuning.
1 Press Home to access the Home menu.
2 Press the Navigation buttons to scroll to
SETUP and press OK.
3 Press the Navigation buttons to scroll to
SETUP and press OK.
4 Press the Navigation buttons to scroll to
Manual Tuning and press OK.
5 Press the Navigation buttons to scroll to Satel-
lite DTV.
6 Make appropriate adjustments.
7 When you are finished, press EXIT.
When you return to the previous menu, press
Selecting Satellite,
(In Satellite, Antenna & Satellite, Cable & Satellite
mode only-Only Satellite models)
y If the TV scans a blocked programme, you
will be prompted to enter your password to
keep the programme scanned.
y L : SECAM L/L’ (France) (Except for DVB-T2
support models)
y BG : PAL B/G, SECAM B/G (Europe / East
Europe / Asia / New Zealand / M.East / Africa)
y I : PAL I (U.K. / Ireland / Hong Kong / South
y DK : PAL D/K, SECAM D/K (East Europe /
China / Africa / CIS)
y To store another channel, repeat steps 6 to 11.
Manually setting up programme
(In analogue mode)
Manual Tuning lets you manually tune and arrange
the stations in whatever order you desire.
1 Press Home to access the Home menu.
2 Press the Navigation buttons to scroll to
SETUP and press OK.
3 Press the Navigation buttons to scroll to
SETUP and press OK.
4 Press the Navigation buttons to scroll to
Manual Tuning and press OK.
5 Press the Navigation buttons to scroll to
TV or Cable TV or Cable DTV or Satellite
6 Scroll through the programme types, and then
add or delete programmes.
7 Press the Navigation buttons to scroll to
TV System.
8 Press the Navigation buttons to scroll to
V/UHF or Cable.
9 Press the Navigation buttons or Number but-
tons to scroll to the desired channel number.
10 Press the Navigation buttons to scroll and start
11 Press the Navigation buttons to scroll to
Store and press OK.
12 When you are finished, press EXIT.
When you return to the previous menu, press