Owners manual

M.P.I. Communication Parameter. Leave at default set-
ting unless changed by Pay-Per-View provider. When set
to 1, changes M.P.I. for some OCV boxes.
M.P.I. Communication Parameter. Selects Poll Rate for
M.P.I. Leave at default setting unless changed by Pay-
Per-View provider. Step size of 16 ms.
M.P.I. Communication Parameter. Leave at default set-
ting unless changed by Pay-Per-View provider. Sets
baud rate. Step size of 4.3 uS.
003355 -- CCOOMMPPPPOORRTT EENN.. ((HHDDMMII 11 PPoorrtt EEnnaabbllee))
Enable/disables TV display panel HDMI 1 input jack.
Set to 0 to disable, set to 1 to enable.
003399 -- RREEAARR AAUUXX EENN.. ((RReeaarr AAuuxx EEnnaabbllee))
Set to 1 to enable display panel rear AUX (Video 1)
Set to 0 to disable display panel rear AUX (Video 1)
004466 -- SSTTRRTT AAUUXX SSRRCCEE ((SSttaarrtt AAuuxx SSoouurrccee))
Sets the starting AUX source. At power up, TV will
tune to starting Aux source if item 004 Start Channel
is set to 0.
255 = Last Aux 1 = Composite Video/Audio
3 = HDMI
Set to 1 for M.P.I. AUX source to be reported as a
channel number instead of channel 0. Set to 0 to dis-
able AUX identification change. Controls M.P.I. status
channel response for AUX inputs.
005533 -- DDIISS.. CCHH--TTIIMMEE ((DDiissaabbllee CChhaannnneell--TTiimmee))
Set to 1 to disable the Channel-Time display, Channel-
Time display will not appear. Set to 0 to enable the
Channel-Time display.
006699 -- EENN.. CCHH--TT CCOOLL.. ((EEnnaabbllee TTeexxtt CCuussttoomm CCoolloorr))
Set to 1 to enable custom color for the Channel-Time display.
Set to 0 to disable custom color for the Channel-Time display.
007700 -- FFOORR.. CCHH--TTIIMMEE ((TTeexxtt DDiissppllaayy FFoorreeggrroouunndd
Set according to Color Chart.
0 = Black 3 = Cyan 6 = Yellow
1 = Blue 4 = Red 7 = White
2 = Green 5 = Violet
Applies only to ‘Channel Not Available’ mes-
sage if item 073 is set to 1, enabled. If foreground
color and background color are the same, background
will be transparent.
007711 -- BBCCKK.. CCHH--TTIIMMEE ((TTeexxtt DDiissppllaayy BBaacckkggrroouunndd
Set according to Color Chart.
0 = Black 3 = Cyan 6 = Yellow
1 = Blue 4 = Red 7 = White
2 = Green 5 = Violet
Applies only to ‘Channel Not Available’ mes-
sage if item 073 is set to 1, enabled. If foreground
color and background color are the same, background
will be transparent.
007733 -- CCHH NNOOTT AAVVBBLLEE ((CChhaannnneell NNoott AAvvaaiillaabbllee))
If set to 1 and item 028 CHANNEL OVERRIDE is set
to 0, “NOT AVAILABLE” message is displayed when
directly accessing a channel not in the channel scan
list available in TV’s memory.
007755 -- RREEVVEERRTT CCHH ((RReevveerrtt ttoo SSttaarrtt CChhaannnneell))
If set to 1 and loss of M.P.I. communication occurs, TV
automatically tunes to the specified Start Channel.
Allows TV power Off event to be controlled by
Channel Up/Down buttons on the Remote Control, TV
Front Panel and Pillow Speaker. End user would push
and hold channel button down for time required to
have TV turn Off. Setting 0 = disabled. Value Range 0
- 17, each number represents 1/2 second. For example,
if set to 4, TV should turn Off after end user pressed
and held any channel button down for a few seconds.
007788 -- UUPPNN MMSSBB ((UUPPNN MMoosstt SSiiggnniiffiiccaanntt BByyttee))
User programmable number, most significant byte
readable by M.P.I. command. Note: Not linked to serial
007799 -- UUPPNN MMSSBB--11 ((UUPPNN MMoosstt SSiiggnniiffiiccaanntt BByyttee--11))
User programmable number, most significant byte-1
readable by M.P.I. command. Not linked to serial num-
008800 -- UUPPNN MMSSBB--22 ((UUPPNN MMoosstt SSiiggnniiffiiccaanntt BByyttee--22))
User programmable number, most significant byte-2
readable by M.P.I. command. Not linked to serial num-
008811 -- UUPPNN LLSSBB ((UUPPNN LLeeaasstt SSiiggnniiffiiccaanntt BByyttee))
User programmable number, least significant byte read-
able by M.P.I. command. Not linked to serial number.
Detailed Descriptions of Installer Menu Items
(Continued on next page)