User's Manual

LG e-Note Con guration
LG Config
Pivot On/Off
Turns on/off the automatic rotation of the screen when you hold
e-Note vertically or horizontally.
On: When on, the pivot is applied automatically whenever you
turn e-Note vertically or horizontally, changing the screen ori-
Off: When off, the screen orientation remains unchanged even if
you turn e-Note vertically or horizontally.
Pivot recognition angle: 28° or more
Rotation information: 0°, 90°, 270°, 180°
Virtual Keyboard
Turns on/off the automatic display of the small icon whenever the
focus moves to the input  eld.
On: When on, the small icon appears whenever the focus moves
to the input  eld. Clicking the icon activates the virtual keyboard.
Off: When off, the small icon does not appear even if the focus
moves to the input  eld. The virtual keyboard can only be
activated by clicking the virtual keyboard icon on the system
If the screen automatically rotates while game, movie or Flash  le is being played, you may
experience audio or video lags.