User's Manual

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Message Description
Sending error A sending error occurred.
Server is full (551) The recipient's mail is full.
Application(s) exist. Folder can't be
Software is saved in the folder so the folder cannot be deleted. Delete the
software and try again.
The software contains an error. There is an error in the software, so the folder download and version
upgrade cannot be performed.
This software contains an error.
Unable to download.
There is an error in the software, so download and version upgrade
cannot be performed.
Memory full. Overwrite existing
Memory for storing software is not enough, so no more can be saved.
Delete unnecessary software.
Installation cancelled An error occurred, so downloading was interrupted.
No messages Sent mail has not been saved.
Address is not valid (451) Could not send the message correctly. Check the address and send
Software updated The S/W is not updated so you cannot activate the function.
This software is not supported by
this phone.
The software to download or to update the version is not compatible with
this FOMA phone.
Already downloaded. The same version of the software has already been downloaded.
i-mode mail service is busy. Please
try again later(553)
The line is very busy. Try again later.
Transmission failed The mail could not be sent correctly.
A 3-digit number is displayed in (XXX).
Transmission failed (XXX)