User's Manual

Get creative
Blink detection - This enables the
camera to stop taking a photo when
it detects the blink of an eye.
White balance - Choose from Auto,
Incandescent, Sunny, Flourescent
or Cloudy.
Macro - Switch on to take close up
Self-timer - The self-timer allows
you to set a delay after the capture
button is pressed. Choose from
Off, 3 seconds, 5 seconds or 10
seconds. Great for that group photo
you want to be part of.
ISO - ISO determines the sensitivity
of the camera’s light sensor. The
higher the ISO, the more sensitive
the camera will be. This is useful in
darker conditions when the flash
can’t be used. Choose an ISO value
from Auto, ISO 100, ISO 200, ISO
400, ISO 800 or ISO1600.
Quality - Choose between Super
fine, Fine and Normal. The finer
the quality the sharper a photo will
be, but the file size will increase as a
result, which means you’ll be able to
store fewer photos in your memory.
Back light compensation - when
you take a photo with a bright
background, the subject may
appear dark. Turn this function ON
to compensate for this. The subject
of the photo will be brighter.
Inner/Outer Camera - For self
portraits, switch to the LG KM900’s
inner camera. See Using the inner
camera on page 56 for details.