User's Manual

The basics
Speed dialling
You can assign a frequently-called contact
to a speed dial number.
1 Touch , select .
2 Choose Contacts and touch Speed dials.
3 Your Voicemail is already set to speed dial
1. You cannot change this. Touch any other
number to assign it a speed dial contact.
4 Your address book will open. Select the
contact you’d like to assign to that number
by touching their phone number once.
To call a speed dial number, slide open the
phone and hold the assigned number until the
contact appears on screen. The call will
initiate automatically, there’s no need to
press .
TIP! When the slide is closed, touch . Select the
contact you’d like to call then touch and hold their
number. The call will initiate automatically.
Viewing your call logs
TIP! To scroll through a list of options, touch the
last item visible and slide your finger up the screen.
The list will move up so more items are visible.
If you press it brings up the calls lists.
There are two arrows at the top of the screen
which allow you to scroll between:
All calls - View the complete list of all your
dialled, received and missed calls.
Dialled calls - View the list of all the
numbers you have called.
Received calls - View the list of all the
numbers you have received calls from.
Missed calls - View the list of all the calls
you have missed.
Call charges - View the charges applied to
your dialled numbers (this service is network
dependant, some operators are unable to
support this) and the call duration of all your
calls; received and dialled.
Data volume - View the amount in kilobytes
of all your received and sent data.
TIP! From any call log touch and Delete all
to delete all the recorded items.
TIP! Touch any single call log entry then View to
view the date, time and duration of the call.
Using call divert
1 Touch , select and choose
Call settings.
2 Touch Call divert and choose Voice calls
or Video calls.