User's Manual

Using Photo List
Use Photo List to view photo files on a USB storage device.
Information about using Photo List
PHOTO (*.JPEG) supporting file
ł Baseline—15360 x 8640
ł Progressive—1024 x 768
You can view JPEG files only; non-supported files are displayed in the form of a bitmap.
Photo selection and menu options
ł View—Display the selected item
Mark All—Mark all photos on the screen
ł Delete—Deleted the selected photo item
ł Close—Close the pop-up menu
Options on full-sized photo view
ł Slideshow—When no picture is selected, all photos in the current folder are displayed during
slide show. If some photos are selected, those photos are displayed in a slide show. Set the time
interval of the slide show in Option.
ł BGM (Background Music)—Listen to music while viewing photos in full-size view. Before using
this function, set the Music Folder for BGM in Options.
Rotate icon—Use the rotate icon to rotate the photo 90°, 180°, 270°, or 360° clockwise. You
cannot rotate when the width of a picture is bigger than the supported height.
ł Delete—Deletes photos.
Option—Set values for Slide Speed and Music Folder for BGM. Use the down arrow , up
arrow , left arrow , or right arrow  button and the OK button to set values. Press OK to
save the settings. You cannot change Music Folder while BGM is playing.
Hide—Hide the menu on the full-sized screen. To see the menu again on the full-sized screen,
press the OK button to display.
Using Photo List