
EDS94AYCCA EN 5.0 - 06/2012 L 43
E94AYCCA communication manual (CANopen®)
Data transfer
Communication phases / network management
7.2.2 Network management telegram (NMT)
The telegram for the network management contains the identifier "0" and the command
included in the user data, which consists of the command byte and the node address.
[7-3] Network management telegram for changing the communication phases
The changeover of the communication phases is carried out by one node, the CAN master,
for the entire network. The role of the CAN master can also assumed by the drive controller.
Parameterising the controller as a CAN master
( 44)
Data can only be exchanged via the process data objects in the "Operational" state. To
change all nodes on the bus from "Pre-Operational" to "Operational" via the CAN master,
the following identifiers and user data must be set as follows in the transmit telegram:
Identifier: 0x00 (network management)
User data: 0x0100 (NMT command "Start Remote Node" to all nodes)
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Command specifier (cs) NMT command
dec hex
1 0x01 Start Remote Node
20x02Stop Remote Node
128 0x80 Enter Pre-Operational
129 0x81 Reset node
130 0x82 Reset communication