
EDS94AYCCA EN 5.0 - 06/2012 L 131
E94AYCCA communication manual (CANopen®)
Parameter reference
Parameters of the communication module for slot MXI2
Parameter | Name:
C14321 | CAN RPDOx identifier
Data type: BITFIELD_32
Index: 11254
= 2BF6
Identifier for RPDO1 ... RPDO4
If bit 31 is set (0x8nnnnnnn), the RPDO is deactivated.
The basic setting is according to the "Predefined Connection Set".
Mapping of the CANopen objects I-1400/1
... I-1403/1 (see DS301, V4.02).
Identifiers of the process data objects
( 46)
Setting range
0x00000000 0xFFFFFFFF
Value is bit-coded: Information
Bit 0 COB-ID bit 0 Bit 0 ... 10: COB-ID
Bit 11 ... 30: Reserved
Bit 31: PDO invalid
... ...
Bit 31 PDO invalid
Subcodes Lenze setting Information
C14321/1 0x00000201 Identifier RPDO1
After changing the node address and executing
"Reset node" (C00002 = 92), here the value 0x200 +
node address is set by default.
C14321/2 0x00000301 Identifier RPDO2
After changing the node address and executing
"Reset node" (C00002 = 92), here the value 0x300 +
node address is set by default.
C14321/3 0x00000401 Identifier RPDO3
After changing the node address and executing
"Reset node" (C00002 = 92), here the value 0x400 +
node address is set by default.
C14321/4 0x00000501 Identifier RPDO4
After changing the node address and executing
"Reset node" (C00002 = 92), here the value 0x500 +
node address is set by default.
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC STOP No transfer Scaling factor: 1
Parameter | Name:
C14322 | CAN TPDOx Tx mode
Data type: UNSIGNED_8
Index: 11253
= 2BF5
TPDO transmission type according to DS301, V4.02
Types 0 (acyclic sync), 1-240 (cyclic sync), 254 (event-controlled manufacturer-specific), 255 (event-controlled
device-profile-specific) are supported.
The basic PDO setting is "254" (event-controlled).
Mapping of the CANopen objects I-1800/2
... I-1803/2 (see DS301, V4.02).
Transmission type
( 47)
Setting range (min. value | unit | max. value)
0 255
Subcodes Lenze setting Information
C14322/1 254 Transmission mode for TPDO1 ... TPDO4
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC STOP No transfer Scaling factor: 1