px4-300r Network Storage Arrray Manual
Informing Users What to Do with LenovoEMC Personal
Personal Cloud enables users to access your px4-300r from the web. They can enter
myCloudName.mylenovoemc.com in a web browser, and when prompted, enter a valid username and
password for your px4-300r. After they access your px4-300r Network Storage Array, they can view
Shares, upload and download content, and stream content. Optionally, they can install LenovoEMC
Storage Manager on their computers, and then join their computers as trusted devices to the Personal
Cloud. When users join their computer as a trusted device to the Personal Cloud, they are making their
machine and its files available to other users of the Personal Cloud. A large virtual network is created.
Personal Cloud: Accessing Your LenovoEMC Personal Cloud From Anywhere in the World
102 Informing Users What to Do with LenovoEMC Personal Cloud