User Manual

PUB06-82 Rev 1 July 17, 2007 06-82-17 MXi Amplifier Controller Board Rev.2
3.2.1 TRIP
VSWR Trip Status
Lit when the system has seen at least one VSWR trip, can be reset by operator using LCD touchpad.
Not lit when there have been no VSWR trips since the last time this was cleared.
Note that this does not mean that there is a current VSWR trip but that one did occur.
The operator may have this status as true (with no Lockout status) and still have the RF amplifier active.
3.2.2 L/O
VSWR Lockout Status
Lit when the system has seen three VSWR trips in under 1 minute.
When a VSWR trip occurs, the MXi controller will reset the trip automatically and repower the RF amplifier.
If three trips occur within 1 minute, the Lockout status is set and the RF amplifier will remain OFF.
The Lockout status can be reset by the operator pushing the RST button on the LCD touchpad.
Not lit when there have been no VSWR trips since the last time this was cleared.
3.2.3 RF
RF ON/OFF Mode Status
This should always be enabled, the only purpose to have this OFF is during setup.
Lit when the RF drive to the amplifier is enabled, operator enables/disable this with the LCD touchpad.
Not lit when RF drive to the amplifier is disabled.
3.2.4 INTK
Interlock inputs that affect the RF amplifier are all closed and OK.
Lit when transmitter is ON and all interlocks are closed (i.e., OK).
Not lit when the transmitter is either OFF or one of the interlocks are opened.
If the transmitter has indeed been set to ON and the front panel ON LED is lit, an error is present.
The operator should then check the INTK submenu to determine the source of the problem.
3.2.5 PSOK
Power Supply OK status, the 32V power supply to the RF amplifier is currently ON and is operating properly.
Lit when the Power Supply is ON. The P/S voltage, current and status are all OK.
Not lit when the Power Supply is either OFF or has some operational problems.
If the Power Supply has indeed been set to ON and the front panel ON LED is lit, an error is present.
3.2.6 FAN1
Status that shows if FAN1 is currently operational.
When the transmitter is turned ON, all the fans are turned on.
Lit when fan rotational status is true, this only happens if the fan is actually rotating.
Not lit when the fan is not rotating; if the other fans are OK, this indicates a failure.