User's Manual

UtiliNet SCADA Single Board Radio 98-1546 Rev AA 5
Product Overview
The UtiliNet SCADA Single Board Radio (UtiliNet SBR) is for use by OEM vendors wanting to
incorporate the UtiliNet SBR capability within their SCADA/DA and metering products.
The UtiliNet SBR is a self-contained 100 mW Integrated WanGate Radio (IWR) which includes
voltage regulation, micro-processor, radio transmitter and receiver similar to the Series 3000 IWR.
This UtiliNet SBR, while a new design, is based upon existing UtiliNet IWR architecture. It is
similar in construction to a Commercial and Industrial (C&I) endpoint, but with an optional on-
board antenna. It has received Modular FCC approval when used with the approved cable and
The UtiliNet SBR provides two digital I/O ports and two analog input ports, which can also be
configured as two general purpose I/O ports. One of the digital ports can also be configured as a
counter by sensing either the rising end or trailing edge of the pulse or both.
The UtiliNet SBR in addition to the IWR functionality supports several General Purpose Digital and
Analog interface connections. These interfaces are accessible via the UtiliNet Device Control Word
(DCW) programming language.
The UtiliNet SBR has 2 DCW interpreters (one large and one small) like other Landis+Gyr AMR
The design of the board allows integration with an OEM enclosure and interfacing with the
customer's equipment via a 14-pin interface connector.The UtiliNet SBR is available in two versions
(not interchangeable):
On-Board Antenna, Part number 40-1119 (shown in Figure 1 - 1.)
External Antenna (MCX connector), Part number 40- 1129 (shown in Figure 1 - 2.)
The On-Board antenna version is designed for customers seeking the lowest-cost solution. The on-
board F-antenna exhibits nominal performance. The external antenna version is designed for
customers who require enhanced performance (greater range).
Both UtiliNet SBR models have the same internal circuitry except for the type of antenna/
connector and board size.