User's Manual

Landis+Gyr Chapter 3 - Development Environment
UtiliNet SCADA Single Board Radio 98-1546 Rev AA 29
Analog Input
Analog input to the UtiliNet SBR can be tested by tuning the two potentiometers on the test board
that correspond to ANALOG_IN1 and ANALOG_IN2. The input voltage should lie between 0 VDC
and 2.5 VDC.
General Usage Instruction
Depending on the desired port to establish communication, connect a main cable to either the
transparent port connection or the LAN packet port connection.
Set the USB power input to an appropriate level (recommended: 5V). Toggle the switch controlling
the signal *PWR_DN to LOW position.
Connect the UtiliNet SBR to the test board through the board-to-board I/O connector.
Toggle the switch controlling the signal *PWR_DN to HIGH position to turn the UtiliNet SBR ON.
The switch controlling *LOW_RF_POWER may be toggled to set the transmit level of the UtiliNet
SBR under test: whether to transmit with limited or full power and power consumption.
UtiliNet SBR Logic
Developers desiring to use the UtiliNet SCADA Single Board Radio in their SCADA equipment to
monitor equipment should be aware of the logic of the setting when writing a DCW program. The
following describes the logic for reading and writing at Control Registers 1 and 2 located at memory
locations 7700h and 7700h in the radio using a DCW.
Control Register 1
Pin D1 at 7700h (Bits 0-3), if 7700h (Bit 0 = "0") Input then read Control at 7700h (Bits 2-3)
If Control = "00" - General Purpose => Read state at 7700h (Bit 1) and report
This interface board does not have function to test the digital output of the UtiliNet SBR, with the
digital input switch tying the digital I/O pin on the UtiliNet SBR to either 0V or 3.3VDC. It is
recommended to NOT configure the digital I/O pin when the UtiliNet SBR is connected to the test
interface board.
With an on-board reference of 2.5 VDC, the highest analog input the UtiliNet SBR may sense is 2.5
VDC. Although the processor on the UtiliNet SBR may withstand 3.3 VDC analog input, it is
advised to not exceed 2.5 VDC.
To provide power to the UtiliNet SBR test Platform, the power input must be supplied externally
(as shown). Therefore the USB Cable when connected to the TPP or LPP connector does not
provide power for the test board.
When connecting the USB cable directly to the Utilinet SBR power is provided by the USB port on
the computer.