User's Manual

Prerelease Lock:
The radio module adds one more important feature to the camera.
Locking the prerelease enables the camera to stay awake (ready to fire). The camera can fire in
75ms (0.075 sec.) If it is kept awake. If the camera goes to sleep / standby mode, the response
time for it to wake back up again can be up to 1 sec. depending on the memory card used.
To activate the Prerelease lock, press and hold the “Flash” button and then at the same time,
press the top trigger button half way down.
Let go of the two buttons and the camera should now stay awake continuously.
The batteries will run down much faster. Typically you will only get 90 to 120 minutes of use
from a battery charge while in this mode, so keep a few extra batteries with you.
To deactivate the Prerelease lock, you will need to turn the camera off and back on again.