Owner's Manual

Condensate Pump & High Level Alarm - All KIB Iceberg models are factory
equipped with an internal high lift condensate pump. KwiKool condensate pumps are
able to pump the condensation either to the factory supplied condensate bottle, or to a
drain or other location as required by the application. The internal pump is rated at 20
foot of head pressure. This means it can pump water to a maximum of 20 feet vertically.
Each pump is equipped with an overflow safety cut-off that automatically shuts your
Iceberg unit down, sounds an audible alarm and displays a fault code (CP). This prevents
accidental flooding of the conditioned space.
Condensate Tank & High Level Alarm - All KIB Iceberg models come standard
with an external condensate tank. The tank is equipped with an overflow safety cut-off.
When the tank is full, the safety will automatically shut down your Iceberg unit, sound an
audible alarm and display a fault code (CF) This prevents accidental flooding of the
conditioned space. If you are using the supplied bypass plug and not using the tank this
alarm is nonfunctional.
Power/Phase Monitor (Optional) - The KwiKool Phase Monitor is available as an
option on all 3 phase KwiKool models. The phase monitor samples the power supply for
low or high voltage, out of phase and loss of phase. If any of these power conditions
arise, the Phase Monitor will automatically shut down your Iceberg unit, sound an
audible alarm and display a fault code (A1). This alarm will reset automatically when the
power is restored to normal.
Service Ports - Located in the filter access compartment in the front of your KwiKool
below the control panel. This gives service personal a connection point for service
gauges to monitor the operating pressures of your Icebergs refrigeration system.
Sight Glass/Moisture Indicator - Located in the discharge air make up inlet. This
feature allows operators and service personal to view the condition of the refrigerant
returning to the evaporator coil. Used as a diagnostic tool by qualified personal.
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VI / Application Requirements
Air Temperature Requirements - The environmental requirements of your
KwiKool unit at the installation site are 60 to 110 degrees F for the condenser make up
air located on the front inlet on the top of the unit. If the unit is operated in an environ-
ment above 110 F the high pressure switch may trip, stopping the unit’s compressor.
You also may notice diminished performance. The High Pressure Switch type is a
manual reset. The reset switch is located in the Return Air grill filter compartment.
Reset the unit by pressing the button labeled HP Reset. Standard air-cooled KwiKool
models are not designed to operate at temperatures below 60 degrees F. Low-
ambient temperature controls must be special ordered at an additional cost.
Temperatures below 60 degrees F will cause the discharge air exhaust fan to cycle
excessively and may damage the fan cycling switch, which requires qualified service
personal to repair and can void your warranty.
Capacity & Temperature Settings - Sizing of our units is based on matching
capacity to a specific heat load while maintaining a 72 degree F temperature. In order
to reach temperatures below 72 degrees F, the unit must have extra capacity. There-
fore, we recommend that you do not set the temperature set point below 70 degrees
F, unless you have excess cooling capacity beyond your heat load, since this may
cause the unit’s evaporator coil to freeze up.