User's Manual

The DRU III unit can be configured to output speeds of
targets that are approaching only, receding only, both
approaching and receding, or all targets including non-
directional targets. Tuning forks can only be reliably
read in the all targets mode. (Tuning fork signals are
generally non-directional targets).
NOTE: Some display systems only display non-
directional target for a short time after power up.
A 35 MPH (or 45 KPH) tuning fork is supplied with the
radar. Strike the tuning fork on a hard, non-metallic
surface. Hold the vibrating tuning fork approximately one
inch in front of the antenna. The output speed should
register "35" ("45"). Please note--readings of ±1 MPH
(KPH) are considered acceptable.
If the proper reading is not obtained:
1. Make sure that Kustom Signals K-Band tuning forks
have been used ("K-Band" is stamped plainly on each
fork). A different band tuning fork, or tuning forks
designed for other manufacturers' radar, will not give
the proper readings.
2. Striking the tuning forks too hard may produce false
overtones, which may be read as speeds above or below
those specified. These possible false readings are
momentary, and the proper readings should appear as
the false overtones dissipate. Do not move the tuning
forks after placing them in front of the antenna.