C Battery Charging
To avoid personal injury or death:
A When the battery is being activated, hydrogen
and oxygen gases in the battery are extremely
explosive. Keep open sparks and flames away
from the battery at all times, especially when
charging the battery.
A When charging the battery, remove battery
vent plugs. (if equipped)
A When disconnecting the cable from the battery,
start with the negative terminal first.
When connecting the cable to the battery, start
with the positive terminal first.
A Never check battery charge by placing a metal
object across the posts.
Use a voltmeter or hydrometer.
1. To slow charge the battery, connect the battery
positive terminal to the charger positive terminal and
the negative to the negative, then recharge in the
standard fashion.
2. A boost charge is applied only to refillable type and is
only for emergencies. It will partially charge the battery
at a high rate and in a short time.
When using a boost-charged battery, it is necessary to
recharge the battery as early as possible.
Failure to do this will shorten the battery's service life.
3. The battery is charged if the indicator display turns
green from black.
4. When exchanging an old battery for a new one, a
battery of equal specification.
C Direction for Storage
1. When storing the machine for long periods of time,
remove the battery from machine, adjust the
electrolyte to the proper level and store in a dry place
out of direct sunlight.
2. The battery self-discharges while it is stored.
Recharge it once every three months in hot seasons
and once every six months in cold seasons.
BGreasing Swing Bearing Teeth
1. Pump grease with the grease gun through the grease
2. Grease at each 90 (1.58 rad.) position of the swing
3. Fill with approx. 50g of grease (approx. 20 to 30
pumps with the grease gun at each position).
Distribute the grease over the teeth.
(1) Battery
Battery Type Volts (V) Capacity
GP24 (80D26R) 12 55 (at 5H.R(A.H))
Battery Type
Rate (A)
GP24 (80D26R) 133 582 6.5
(1) Grease fitting (for swing bearing teeth)