A Support the machine correctly!
When stabilizing the machine with the dozer, lower the
dozer to engage the full width on the ground.
A If the water or mud level reaches higher than the top of
the tracks, the swivel bearing, swivel motor gear and
ring gear may be exposed to mud, water and other
foreign objects.
The excavator must be properly pressure washed
after each use.
A Thoroughly clean the area around the swivel
bearing, swivel motor gear and ring gear to remove
foreign objects.
A Inspect the swivel motor oil sump (if equipped) for
water contamination. If water is present, refer to
operator's manual for lubricant replacement
A Refer to operator's manual for proper swivel
bearing, swivel motor gear and ring gear
lubrication procedures.
A Reinstall any protective covering if removed
A Avoid applying excessive load with cylinders fully
extended, or the machine easily gets damaged.
A Relieve residual hydraulic pressure immediately
after the engine has stopped.