
A loaded firearm can cause SERIOUS INJURY
OR DEATH! When handled properly and
according to basic safety rules, it is safe.
Accident prevention is the responsibility of
anyone handling a firearm.
Handle any gun as if it is loaded. EVERY
Never point any firearm at yourself or
anyone else.
When shooting targets, always keep your
firearm open until it is your turn to shoot.
When hunting, keep your safety on except
when actually shooting.
Mechanical safeties are an important
additional safety feature, but they are no
substitute for safe gun handling! Always
handle any firearm as if it is loaded and rea-
dy to fire. Because of the strictly controlled
circumstances of competitive shooting, it may
be advantageous to have no mechanical safety
or one that can be made inoperative. If your
gun has no safety, use it only for clay target
competition. If your gun has a safety that can
be made inoperative, shoot it with the safety
inoperative only for clay target competition.
When shooting in the field, you MUST make
the safety operative and use it.
Control your shooting. Be aware of the
range of the ammunition you shoot. This may
vary from several hundred yards for shotgun
pellets to several miles for rifle bullets. Never
shoot at a hard surface or at water because
shot and bullets can ricochet in any direction
with sufficient force to cause injury or death.
Be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that it is safe to
shoot in the direction you intend to fire. If
there is the slightest question or doubt, DO
NOT SHOOT! Remember: Shotgun pellets can
cause injury or death over hundreds of yards.
Rifle bullets can cause injury or death over
several miles.
Never hold a firearm at the muzzle. Never
rest the muzzle on your foot.
Competitive shotguns may have a PULL
trigger or a RELEASE trigger. Always familiarize
yourself with the trigger system of any firearm
before you shoot it. Refer to your instruction
manual and then dry-fire the firearm until you
are completely familiar with its operation.
Before handling and loading a firearm, be
sure you know how it functions. Read the
instruction manual. If the instruction manual
Gun Safety
Gun safety is your responsibility! Read and observe these essential rules.