Installation guide

Install to a Standard Vanity
For installation to the K-2517, K-2526, K-2527, or K-2529 vanity: Refer to the
installation instructions packed with the vanity.
For installation to a countertop: Proceed to the next section.
Install the drain to the lavatory. If applicable, also install the faucet to the lavatory
at this time. Refer to the faucet and drain manufacturer’s instructions.
Apply a 1/4 (6 mm) continuous bead of silicone sealant around the top of the
vanity, as illustrated.
IMPORTANT! To ensure proper installation, get assistance aligning and lifting the
lavatory into place.
IMPORTANT! The back edge of the lavatory must be flush against the back of the
vanity and equal left and right overhang on each side of the vanity.
Position the lavatory on top of the vanity.
Verify that the lavatory is level. If the lavatory is not level, gently press down on
the lavatory.
Wipe away excess silicone sealant.
Allow the silicone sealant to set according to the sealant manufacturer’s
Complete the water supply and drain connections.
Run water into the lavatory and check for leaks.
Installer sur un meuble standard
Pour installation sur le meuble K-2517, K-2526, K-2527 ou K-2529: Se référer aux
instructions d’installation emballées avec le meuble.
Pour une installation sur comptoir: Procéder à la section suivante.
Installer le drain au lavabo. Si applicable, installer aussi le robinet au lavabo à ce
moment. Se référer aux instructions du fabricant du robinet et du drain.
1092255-2-D 4 Kohler Co.