Installation Guide

Troubleshooting (cont.)
Whirlpool System
Symptoms Probable Causes Recommended Action
8. Pump does not
automatically stop after 22
A. 20-minute timer inadvertently
A. See Service Manual.
9. Pump will not turn off
when the Power icon on
user keypad is pressed.
A. User keypad does not work. A. Replace user keypad.
B. Control does not work. B. Replace control.
10. Pump operates but
variable speed feature
does not work.
A. Motor/pump does not work. A. Replace motor/pump.
B. Control does not work. B. Replace control.
11. Bath water cools while
pump is operating.
A. Water temperature above 104°F
A. Allow bath water to cool.
B. Heater has turned off either
manually or automatically.
B. Turn heater on.
C. Wiring from heater to control is
loose, disconnected, or
C. Check wiring for proper
D. Heater does not work. D. Replace heater.
E. Control does not work. E. Replace control.
12. Noisy operation. A. Pump banding straps have not
been cut.
A. Cut pump banding straps with tin
B. Dry or dislodged jet O-ring
B. Remove jet, replace and lubricate
O-ring, and reinstall jet.
Air System
Symptoms Probable Causes Recommended Action
1. User keypad does not
illuminate when Power
icon is pressed or the
outer ring is rotated.
A. No power to control. A. Check wiring and connect power.
B. GFCI or RCD tripped. B. Reset GFCI or RCD. If it trips
again, refer to GFCI or RCD trips
when bath is turned on.
C. Wiring harness from user
keypad to control is loose,
disconnected, or damaged.
C. Check wiring for proper
connections. Replace the wiring
harness if necessary.
D. User keypad does not work. D. Replace the user keypad.
E. Control does not work. E. Replace the control.
2. GFCI or RCD trips when
bath is turned on.
A. Electrical harness is wet or
A. Check for wet connections. Dry the
connections and repair the leak.
Check for insulation or connector
damage. Replace the harness if
B. Electrical wiring to the bath
junction box is wet or damaged;
or the power amperage is
B. Have a qualified electrician
diagnose and correct the problem
in accordance with applicable
building and electrical codes; or
increase the power amperage to 20
C. Electrical wiring to the bath
power cord is wet or damaged.
C. Have a qualified electrician
diagnose and correct the problem
in accordance with applicable
building and electrical codes.
D. Blower motor is shorted
D. Replace the blower motor.
E. Control is shorted internally. E. Replace the control.
Kohler Co. 15 1208018-2-E