Installation Guide

Troubleshooting (cont.)
Vibracoustic Troubleshooting Table
Symptom Probable Cause Recommended Action
G. Bubble control does not work. G. If the red LED on the bubble
control does not blink following
restart, check the bubble control
and replace as needed.
H. Control amplifier or heated
surface control does not work.
H. If the red LED on the control
amplifier does not blink following
restart, check the control amplifier
and/or heated surface control and
replace as needed.
I. User interface does not work. I. Check the user interface. Replace as
Airjet System Troubleshooting Table
Symptoms Probable Causes Recommended Action
1. Blower motor will not
A. Power cord from blower motor
to control is loose, disconnected,
or damaged.
A. Check wiring for proper
B. User interface cable connections
are loose or damaged.
B. Inspect the cables between the user
interface, heated surface control,
bubble control, and control
amplifier. Secure connections or
replace cables as needed.
C. Bubble control does not work. C. Replace the bubble control.
D. Blower motor does not work. D. Replace the blower motor.
2. Blower motor stops
running and will not
immediately restart.
A. Blower motor overheated and
protection device activated.
A. Check for blockage at air inlet.
Remove blockage and allow motor
to cool. Refer to Blower motor will
not start.
3. Blower motor starts, some
but not all airjets are
A. Blower motor speed is too low. A. Increase speed set point to blower
B. Blower air inlet is blocked. B. Clear blower air inlet.
C. Blower motor does not work. C. Replace the blower motor.
D. Blower motor discharge is
D. Clear blockage.
E. Airjets are clogged. E. Use a small between-the-teeth
dental brush and white vinegar.
Dip the brush in the vinegar, brush
the hole, rinse the brush in clean
water, and then use the wet rinsed
brush to rinse the hole.
F. Some zones are closed. F. Operate all zones.
4. Blower motor runs but no
air bubbles are formed.
A. Blower air inlet is blocked. A. Clean blower air inlet.
B. Airjets are clogged. B. Use a small between-the-teeth
dental brush and white vinegar.
Dip the brush in the vinegar, brush
the hole, rinse the brush in clean
water, and then use the wet rinsed
brush to rinse the hole.
C. Bubble control does not work. C. Replace the bubble control.
D. Blower motor does not work. D. Replace the blower motor.
1212245-2-B 20 Kohler Co.