Installation Guide

Troubleshooting (cont.)
Troubleshooting Table
Symptoms Probable Cause Recommended Action
1. One or more transducers
do not produce sound, or
sound is too low.
A. Transducer wire is not plugged
in properly.
A. Make sure the wires are properly
installed into the control amplifier
connections and to the left and
right transducers.
2. One or more transducers
do not produce sound, or
sound is too low.
A. Damaged transducer or
transducer not plugged in.
A. Make sure the transducer wires are
properly installed into the
appropriate positive (+) and
negative (-) connectors on the
control amplifier.
3. After playing music
loudly, the music stops
even though a song has
been properly selected.
A. Thermal shut down. A. Shut down the system for 1 hour to
allow the unit to cool. Make sure
the area where the unit is installed
does not exceed 104°F (40°C).
4. The status LED is not
A. Power supply is not plugged
into the outlet.
A. Plug the power supply into the
B. Power supply connection to the
control amplifier may be loose
or disconnected.
B. Check power supply connection to
the control amplifier and reconnect
if needed.
C. The outlet is not powered. C. Make sure there is power to the
electrical outlet.
D. Circuit breaker has been
D. Reset the circuit breaker.
5. No sound plays through
the transducers.
A. The song is paused. A. Make sure a song is playing. If the
song is paused, press the resume
feature to continue playback.
B. The volume is too low. B. Make sure the volume is turned up
high enough for proper enjoyment.
6. The control amplifier is
not connecting to a
A. The BLUETOOTH device is not
within range.
A. Make sure the BLUETOOTH device
is within range of the control
B. The BLUETOOTH device is not
paired with the control
B. Pair the BLUETOOTH device with
the control amplifier according to
the pairing instructions for the
7. The LED is blue, but the
audio signal is
A. The BLUETOOTH device is not
within full range.
A. Move the BLUETOOTH device
closer to the control amplifier
Control Amplifier Troubleshooting Table
Symptoms Probable Cause Recommended Action
1. One or more transducers
do not produce sound.
A. Transducer wire is not
connected properly.
A. Make sure the wires are properly
connected to the control amplifier.
Each transducer has a white with
black wire which is the positive (+)
lead, and a solid white wire which
is the negative (-) lead.
B. Damaged transducer wires. B. The bath has six transducers with
wires that are permanently
attached. Inspect the six
transducers for frayed, cut, or loose
wires. Contact the Customer Care
Center for assistance.
C. Transducer is missing, loose, or
not attached.
C. If any one of the six transducers is
missing, loose, or not attached to
the bath, contact the Customer
Care Center for assistance.
Kohler Co. 19 1297609-2-B