PLATINUM SERIES [6-STAGEJ MUNICIPAL WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Components comply with NSF/ANSI Standards 42 and 61 Copyright © 2020 Pure Water Technologies, LLC dba King Water FiltrationTM © 2020
KING WATER FILTRATION PLATINUM SERIES TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents ............................................................... 2 Parts List ........................................................................ 3 Important Information ......................................................... 4 Saftey Precautions ............................................................. 5 Arrival/ Unpacking/ Inspection ..................... ..........................
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• Do not run 1/2" inside diameter (ID) semi-rigid drain tube more than 20 running feet. If over 20 running feet, increase drain line tubing size to 3/4" ID for the entire length of tube. Use 1/2" drain line when running less than 20 feet. When running drain line over 20 feet it is recommended to us 3/4" drain line. • Have control valve set correctly for your specific water needs. Automatic valve is preset, however, it may need to be adjusted accordingly depending on your water contaminant levels.
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• I ns pec tt hec a r t ona ndwa t er l t erf orev i denc eofr oughha ndl i nga ndc onc ea l ed da ma ges . I fc ont ent sa ppea rda ma ged, a s kdr i v erorc ont a c tt hec a r r i erf orada ma ge c l a i mf or mt ol l out . Not i f ys hi pperi mmedi a t el y . • Remov ec omponent sf r om t hes hi ppi ngc a r t on. Chec kt ha ta l l i ns t a l l a t i onpa r t sa r e pr es ent , whi c hi nc l udest heuni ta ndi ns t a l l a t i onha r dwa r e .
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Ki ngWa t erF i l t r a t i on™Whol eHomeF i l t r a t i ona ndCondi t i oni ngS y s t emsus et hel a t es tt ec hnol ogi es a v a i l a bl et oens ur ea ndpr ev entwa t err upt ur e . Howev er , i fma nuf a c t ur i nggui del i nesa r enotf ol l owed, wa t erda ma gec a noc c ur . Ca us esofoodi ngi nc l udee x c es s i v ewa t erpr es s ur e , s pi k esi nwa t erpr es s ur e , huma nt a mper i ng, a ndnegl i genti ns t a l l a t i on.
( Ref ert oi ns t r uc t i onsf orpr ogr a mmi ngAut oma t i cCont r ol Va l v e) Pr es sa ndhol doneoft heupordown St ep1: a r r owsunt i l t hec l oc kmov es . S ett het i met o12: 01PM. Pus ht heRec y c l ebut t ont os et . ( Rec y c l eBut t on) Pr es sa ndhol dt heupa nddownbut t onsa t St ep2: t hes a met i met ogeti nt ot heMa s t erPr ogr a mmi ng Mode . Apenc i l i c onl et sy ouk now y oua r ei npr ogr a mmi ngmode . SetVTt o5800 SetDO t o14 SetRFt oFLt r SetCTt ot c.
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Will my whole house system affect water pressure? As long as the appropriate sized system was installed for the house-size and water demand, there should be very little change, or none at all. If you think you may have purchased the wrong sized system, please contact us at 855-957-2166. How do I reset an automatic head? Refer to page 9 in the manual and re-do steps under “Automatic Control Valve Programming.” How can I do a manual backwash with an automatic head? 1.
The King Water FiltrationTM whole home water treatment systems are organic filtration systems that uses redox bacteriostatic and activated carbon media filtration to remove chlorine, harmful chemicals, and metals from your household water supply. The King Water FiltrationTM system is managed by an automatic control valve that is programmed to backwash, cleans the system out automatically, and has been pre-set at our factory.
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The King's Water Treatment Systems are designed to retain beneficial healthy minerals in your water. This helps provide healthy alkaline drinking water in most cases. When testing for water hardness after installing one of our water treatment systems, the water hardness will be unaffected. As our systems descale your pipes, slightly higher hardness values may be noticed during the first few months of use as mineral deposits dissolve.
Billing Information Your credit card will be billed as “Pure Water Technologies”. Free Shipping Shipping is free for all Continental US orders over $1,999.99 (excluding Hawaii and Alaska). Canadian Shipments UPS charges you the receiver a brokers fee for any shipment that crosses the US border. Please note UPS is also required in your location to collect GST/VAT on the value of your shipment. Undeliverable Packages Occasionally packages are returned to us as undeliverable.
General Return Policy We will accept return of King Water Filtration™ brand items if unused and in their original condition within 30 days of delivery for a full refund of your purchase price. Shipping and Brokerage charges are not refundable. Customers are responsible for both delivery and return shipping/freight costs. All returns will be inspected for completeness and damage. Some products have return restrictions.
All returned products will be thoroughly inspected to determine overall condition of item being returned and if it complies with our policies and procedures. Please verify the product you are returning meets the guidelines herein and qualifies for return to avoid any delays, or denial of, processing your return. If a nonconforming product is accepted for return Pure Water Technologies LLC dba King Water Filtration™ reserves the right to charge a restocking fee up to 25% at our sole discretion.
Year Full Warranty King Water Filtration™ warrants to the end user (“customer”) that its tanks between (9” - 13” diameter), valves, bypass’s, öttings, housings and all filtration media (“Covered Items”) will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of 10 years when used in accordance with our recommendations. This warranty applies only to Platinum Series Whole Home System models KWF-PLA-MUN-1054 and KWF-PLA-MUN-1354.
You must submit your claim in writing within the warranty period and within 3 business days period after the defect is discovered. To iniate a claim, you should contact our warranty services department at King Water FiltrationTM at 5502- S. Fort Apache #100 Las Vegas, NV 89148, Phone No. 855-957-2166 or email us at Vi si tusat :ki ngwat er f i l t r at i on. com/ pages/ r egi st er war r ant y PURE WATER TECHNOLOGIES, LLC dba King Water FiltrationTM 5502 S.