Instruction Manual

Chapter 5: KGUARD Web Client
DVR Users Manual
5.5.2 Seng the Recording
Use the Record menu to remotely set the recording schedule and customize the recording sengs, such as frame rate,
quality, and resoluon.
Seng the Recording Parameters
Use the recording parameters screen to recording le size, duraon, etc.
1 On the Main Menu, click Remote Seng.
2 On the le panel, click Record.
3 Modify the necessary sengs.
Item Descripon
Channel Select the channel that you want to congure.
Record Enable/Disable recording.
Set the recording length for each video le (15/30/45/60 minutes). When the me
elapsed, the recording is saved to another le.
PreRecord Enable/Disable recording prior to the set recording me.
4 To save the sengs, click Save.
« TIP »
To apply the same recording sengs to other channels, click Copy. See “Copying Sengs To Other Channels”
on page 79.
To cancel any modicaons and retain the exisng sengs, click Refresh.