Instruction Manual

Chapter 4: Using the DVR
DVR Users Manual
Set Auto Maintenance
Use this feature to automacally reboot the DVR on a specied schedule. When the DVR reboots, all sengs and data
are refreshed from the memory, which opmizes the DVR performance.
1 In preview mode, right-click on the mouse to display the Pop-up menu.
2 Select Main Menu > SYSTEM > MAINTAIN.
3 Set Auto Maintain to Enable.
4 In Auto Reboot, select the frequency to reboot the DVR. Opons are:
Everyday: Reboots the DVR on a daily basis. If this opon is selected, specify the me you want to reboot the
Every Week: Reboots the DVR on a weekly basis. If this opon is selected, specify the day of the week and the
me to reboot the DVR.
Every Month: Reboots the DVR on a monthly basis. If this opon is selected, specify the date (1 to 31) and the
me to reboot the DVR.
The illustraon above is an example of Auto Reboot set to Every Week. The available elds vary depending on the
selected Auto Maintain and Auto Reboot opons.
5 Aer all sengs are complete, click Apply.
6 When data saving is complete, click OK.
« TIP »
To restore the maintenance schedule to default seng, click Default at the boom of the screen.
Update System Firmware
Use this feature to update the rmware with the latest version.
1 Open a web browser and visit KGUARD Security web site (
2 Check for available updates and download the rmware update le named “dvrupgrade”.
3 Save the “dvrupgrade” le in a USB ash drive.
4 Insert the USB ash drive into a USB port of the DVR.
5 In preview mode, right-click on the mouse to display the Pop-up menu.
6 Select Main Menu > ADVANCED.
7 Click Update.
8 Follow the instrucons on the screen to complete the update.
Do not turn o the power or unplug from the power supply while updang.