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Industry-leading uncompromised update rate
If you can’t see the problem, you can’t fix the problem� With an
industry-leading update rate of over one million waveforms per
second, the InfiniiVision 3000T X-Series gives you the highest
probability of capturing random and infrequent events that you
would miss on an oscilloscope with a lower waveform update rate�
Powered by MegaZoom IV smart memory technology, the
InfiniiVision 3000T X-Series not only lets you see more
waveforms, but it has the uncompromised ability to find the most
difficult problems in your design under any conditions� Unlike
other oscilloscopes, uncompromised ability means:
Always-fast, responsive operation
No slowdown with logic channels on
No slowdown with protocol decoding on
No slowdown with math functions on
No slowdown with measurements on
No slowdown with vectors on
No slowdown with sinx/x interpolation on
What is waveform update rate?
As oscilloscopes acquire data, process it, and plot it to the
screen, there is inevitable “dead time,” or the time oscilloscopes
miss signals completely� In general, the faster the waveform
update rate, the shorter the dead time� The shorter the dead
time, the more likely an oscilloscope is to capture anomalies
and infrequent events� This is why it is important to select an
oscilloscope with a fast waveform update rate� Figures 7 and 8
demonstrate the difference between a slower update rate and a
faster update rate�
Figure 9� Other vendor’s oscilloscope with 50,000 waveforms/second� A long dead time decreases
your chances of capturing infrequent events
Figure 10� InfiniiVision 30000T X-Series with 1,000,000 waveforms/second� A short dead time
increases your chancs of capturing infrequent events
Discover: The Industry’s Fastest Uncompromised Update Rate Increases the
Chance of Finding Anomalies